Key and Card Access

The Facilities Office is responsible for college key and access card distribution and is authorized to initiate and implement the District’s access controls policy and services which includes the following:

  • Approves or disapproves all key/card access requests once Key/Card Access Request Form is submitted. 
  • Issues keys/access cards to individuals or departmental designees authorized to control keys.
  • Conducts an investigative review of each instance of key/access card loss or theft; recommends corrective measures; works collaboratively with Campus Police.
  • Conducts periodic audits of campus department to determine status of authorized keys/access cards.
  • Maintains current and accurate access control system
  • Creates and maintains a keying system that provides security and reasonable access to departments occupying campus facilities.

The Facilities Department Locksmith is responsible for all maintenance, repair and installation of locking systems which includes the following:

  • Makes all keys and combinates all cylinders.
  • Maintains a secure file for original keys furnished with all new buildings, additions, or renovations
  • Performs all maintenance and repairs of locking systems
  • Requests for repairs may be submitted by calling the Facilities Office at extension 2629 or via Facilities Remedy to provide services that are tailored to your needs and requirements.
  • Emergency repair requests must be made by phone to the Facilities Office at extension 2629, Monday through Friday, between the hours of 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.  After these hours and on weekends as well as holidays, please contact Campus Police at extension 2289 or 760/891-7273.

All college property that is secured by locking devices shall be secured by locks having the capability of being combinated to the college master key system.

All keys/access cards remain the property of Palomar College.  Obsolete or unneeded keys/access cards must be returned to the Facilities Office by utilizing the Key/Card Access Return Form to clear the account of the person to whom they were assigned, as well as to cancel the liability of the authorizing department.

Individuals are limited to one key per room or area.

Upon written request (email is sufficient) by a department contact, a list of key/access card holders may be obtained.  This information may be requested for a specific area or employee.  Submit this request by contacting the Facilities Office via email:

More information on key and card access regulations: