Key and Card Access – Returning Keys/Cards

When terminating employment, all keys MUST BE RETURNED to the Facilities Office.

How to Return Keys/Cards:

You may return keys/cards in person, or in the mail.  Just take the following steps:

  • In person:  go to the Facilities Office, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m., where you picked up your keys/cards and a representative will help you.
  • In the mail:  seal your keys/cards in an inter-office envelope along with the Key/Card Access Return Form and mail through Campus Mail to the Facilities Office.

You must return keys/cards to the Facilities Office in order for us to remove the keys/cards from your record, so be sure to return them properly using one of the methods listed above (an email receipt will be sent to the employee and their department).

Any key/card returned, which is not found to be a part of an employee’s approved inventory, may be considered as unauthorized use.

For any employee who shall be on an extended suspension, leave without pay, or disability, the Facilities Office will work with the employee’s department and Human Resources to secure the employee’s keys/card while that person is on suspension or leave.  Keys/cards will be returned to the employee when there is clearance by Human Resource to return to his/her work unit.

For employees whose employment is terminated involuntarily and/or are not in good standing, Human Resources shall notify the Director, Facilities of the pending termination.  Human Resources shall also inform the supervisor of his/her responsibility to ensure that the keys/cards are returned to the Facilities Office.

Keys/cards must not be handled from one employee to another.  All employees are responsible for the keys/cards assigned to them.  Employees returning keys/cards not assigned to them will not be given credit for returning them.  Keys/cards not returned will be considered lost and those employees assigned the keys/cards are responsible for them as well as any rekeying that may result from the keys/cards being lost.

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