
Campus Police will dismiss one citation per semester for “No Permit” a permit as long as you had a valid permit at the time of the citation and were parked in the correct parking lot with the correct permit.  You must come to the Campus Police office by the date at the bottom of the citation with your California driver’s license and your citation.  You may park in the designated 20-minute parking space by the Campus Police office.  You are required to fill out a Dismissal form.

Appeal Form by e-mail Appeal Form by e-mail

Second Level Appeal Form Request for Neutral Examination of Parking Citation revised 8-15-12 Test

Request for Report Request for Report pdf

Overnight Parking Form Overnight-Parking-Revised-050818

San Marcos Main Campus Map San Marcos Main Campus Map

Escondido Center Campus Map Escondido Center Campus Map

Rancho Bernardo Center Campus Map Rancho Bernardo Center Map

Fallbrook Center Campus Map Fallbrook Center Map