Get Involved

There are many ways you can “Get Involved” in your communities, both at home, work, and school. Here are few ideas:

  1. Join your local Neighborhood Watch to help solve problems and reduce crime in your area.
  2. Work with your local Community Emergency Response Team (CERT), where you can learn how to take life-saving action to help businesses and families get through the first few hours or days of an emergency.
  3. Become part of the national network of volunteers who help to strengthen public health, the Medical Reserve Corps.
  4. Join the National Voluntary Organizations Active in Disaster member network where organizations can share knowledge and resources of the disaster cycle.
  5. Help serve the County of San Diego by volunteering with the American Red Cross.
  6. Become a member of the Infragard San Diego Members Alliance, which assists in mitigating criminal and terrorist-based threats and losses.