Our new digital parking permit system is now operational. Our new vendor for digital permits is the Phoenix Group. Employees will be sent a link and QR code via email. If you are a new employee, please contact Candy Santos (csantos@palomar.edu) to request the link and QR code.
Palomar College Police Department
Contact Information
Police Department
Palomar College, San Marcos Campus Location: PD 1140 W. Mission Road, San Marcos, CA 92069
Emergency / Non-Emergency
Dial 2289 from any college phone, or contact us via: Email: policedispatchers@palomar.edu Phone: (760)891-7273 Fax: (760)761-3533
Nieves Suarez
Dispatch Coordinator Email: nsuarez@palomar.edu Phone: (760) 744-1150, ext. 3961
Police Records
Email: policerecords@palomar.edu Phone: (760) 744-1150, ext. 2289
Candy Santos
Parking / Citation / Appeals Email: csantos@palomar.edu Phone: (760) 744-1150, ext. 3289
Chris Moore
Chief of Police Email: cmoore1@palomar.edu
Daniel Lopez
Police Sergeant Email: dlopez3@palomar.edu
Jesus Montes
Police Sergeant Email: jmontes@palomar.edu
Hours of Operation
Sunday - Saturday: 6am - 11pm