In the event of a significant emergency or dangerous situation that may involve an immediate or ongoing threat to the health and safety of the Palomar College campus community, the Chief of Police or his/her designee will, without delay:
- confirm that there is a significant emergency or dangerous situation
- determine the appropriate segment(s) of the campus community to receive the notification
- determine the content of the notification
- initiate the notification system (unless issuing the notification will compromise efforts to assist a victim or mitigate the emergency)
Palomar College’s response to an incident will be dictated by the type and magnitude of the emergency. The entire campus may be notified when there is potential for a majority of the College to be affected. There will be continuing assessment of the situation and additional segments of the campus community may be notified if warranted. The Chief of Police or his/her designee will determine the appropriate amount of information to disseminate at different points in time. Follow-up information may be disseminated to the campus community through any of the methods of notification listed. In most situations, multiple methods of notification may be utilized by Palomar College to ensure efficient dissemination of information to as many affected individuals as possible. Campus emergency methods of notification may include, but are not limited to:
- Palomar Alert via e-mail
- Palomar College Emergency Notification System (InformaCast)
- Palomar College Blackboard Connect
- Palomar College home web page
- Bullhorns/loud speakers
- Palomar College Facebook page
- Electronic signage
- Social Media
The District’s Director of Communications, Marketing, and Public Affairs will be responsible for the dissemination of emergency information to the larger community through some or all of the above listed methods of communications. In the event of a catastrophic emergency, information may come directly from the Palomar College Police Department.
Emergency Information Resources:The Palomar College Police Department maintains this page as an information resource for visitors like you. Important contact information and links (where applicable) are listed below for immediate reference during a major emergency or event. Please note that this page is for reference only, and during emergency situations should not be used as a substitute for safe, reasonable, and sound judgment on the part of any visitor or user of this site:
Department | Website |
READY.GOV Department of Homeland Security | |
FEMA Preparation & Prevention Info Federal Emergency Mgmt Agency | |
State of California OES Office of Emergency Services | |
County of San Diego OES Disaster Guide (Office of Emergency Services) | |
During a National or Regional Emergency | |
Department of Homeland Security | |
Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA Region IX, Pacific Area Office) (510) 627-7000 or (808) 851-7900 | |
California Emergency Digital Info Service OES Warning Center: (916) 845-8911 | |
California OES, San Diego Office 5555 Overland Ave, Building 19 San Diego, CA 92123 (619) 565-3490 | |
Palomar College Police Department 1140 W. Mission Ave (Main Office) San Marcos, CA 92069 (760) 744-1150 x2289 | |