Anyone can be a victim of dating/domestic violence. Dating/domestic violence can include verbal, emotional, psychological, physical, and/or sexual abuse, and can happen in any relationship. If you think you are in an abusive relationship please know there are campus and community resources available to help.
Get Help
Ensure your Safety
Safety should be your number one priority. If in immediate danger, please call 911. If you cannot, or do not feel comfortable turning to friends or family, resources are available through the:
- Palomar College Police Department (PCPD) – 760-891-7273
- Student Affairs – 760-744-1150 Ext. 2594
- the Title IX Office – 760-744-1150 Ext. 2608
- Health Services – 760-744-1150 Ext. 2380
Seek Medical Attention (if needed)
Seek medical attention for any injuries you may have sustained. You may receive medical treatment at the Palomar College Health Center, or nearby hospital, urgent care clinics or from your private physician.
Please note: Under California law, any health practitioner employed in a health facility is required to make a report to law enforcement if he/she provides medical services for a physical condition to a patient/victim who he/she knows or reasonably suspects is suffering from any wound or other physical injury inflicted upon a victim where the injury is the result of assaultive or abusive conduct (including sexual violence and relationship violence). This exception does not apply to sexual assault and domestic violence counselors or advocates in addition, you do not have to speak to law enforcement if you do not wish to.
Seek Emotional Support and Resources
Follow-up counseling may help you to cope with this difficult time. Free counseling is offered through our behavioral counselors in the Health Center at 760-744-1150 Ext. 2380
Plan for your Safety
It is important to plan for your safety whether or not you are ready to leave the relationship. The Women’s Resource Center can assist you with developing a personalized safety plan, including possible residence relocation, restraining orders, and much more. Palomar Victim Advocates an assist with academic adjustments, connect you with PCPD for escorts to class.
Healing from an abusive relationship may take time, but it is possible. No one deserves to be abused. Help is available.
You can create your own safety plan here.
Stalking is an abusive relationship!
If you are being stalked, it is important to document the stalking behavior through a “stalking log” and save all evidence (i.e. telephone messages, emails, letters, etc.) You can access a copy of the stalking log here.