
Emergency Management

The Environmental Health and Safety (EH&S) Department at Palomar Community College District (PCCD) works with students, faculty and administrators to create, coordinate and maintain a District Emergency Procedures Guide, Emergency Response Plans, Emergency Operations Center and Building Emergency Plans. Additionally, EH&S coordinates campus drills, including the Great American ShakeOut and evacuation drills.
Hazardous Waste Management

PCCD deals with the disposal, management, and inventory of hazardous waste and materials in compliance with local, state and federal regulations. The EH&S department provides chemical pickups, emergency spill response, and assistance on shipping hazardous materials. In addition, the program is also responsible for pollution prevention, regulatory reporting, and maintaining campus emergency response capabilities.
Risk Management Program

Risk Management is responsible for purchasing Palomar College’s insurance (with the exception of life and health insurance) and processing related claims. This includes property claims, liability claims, auto claims, athletic injuries, and others. If an accident occurs, contact our office at Ext. 2122 as soon as possible. We will take your claim information and deal with the appropriate insurance carriers for you. For information on accident/injury prevention, please contact Derrick Johnson at Ext. 3677  in Environmental Health and Safety or visit their website. In the event that District property is damaged, lost or stolen, please see our Property Casualty Loss Reimbursement Policy.
Remote Workspace Ergonomics

Ergonomics involves the arrangement of the workplace environment to fit the person's work. When ergonomics is applied correctly, stress and many potential injuries/disorders associated with the overuse of muscles, bad posture and repeated tasks can be reduced. PCCD has maintained a comprehensive ergonomics program that complies with all local, state and federal requirements.
Indoor Air Quality

The EH&S department ensures a safe and healthy work environment by establishing guidelines for conducting investigations, including air monitoring, in response to indoor air quality complaints or recognized adverse building conditions. These guidelines are maintained with the Air Quality (APCD) Program.
Respiratory Protection Program

The Respiratory Protection Program provides students and employees at the District with respiratory protection as approved and managed by EH&S. The program helps coordinate medical evaluations, fit-tests, monitoring and distribution involving respirators at the campuses.
Fire & Life Safety

EH&S is involved in the placement, use, maintenance and testing of campus fire suppression systems and portable fire extinguishers throughout the PCCD. This includes annual and monthly inspections, and logging emergency generator operating hours per APCD Permit requirements
Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP)

The Injury and Illness Prevention Plan (IIPP) in compliance with Cal-OSHA General Industry Safety Order 3203, effective July 1, 1991, is a written "safety" program designed to help Palomar College staff and students maintain a safe and healthy working and learning environment. The purpose of the IIPP is to decrease the potential risk of disease, illness, injuries and harmful exposures by protecting the health and safety of employees through training and heightened awareness.
Storm Water

Palomar College District maintains a comprehensive Storm Water Management Plan (SWMP) to manage storm water run-off, reduce discharges, improve water quality, and manage the general treatment/preventative measures to deal with storm water. EH&S ensures that the District complies with all local, state and federal regulations.