Post-Election Resources

The 2020 election has become known as the most important election in recent history.  This is compounded by a pandemic, civil unrest, and natural disasters.  Your health and safety is our priority.  The workshops, activities and resources listed below are designed to assist you through this extraordinary time.


Behavioral Health Counselors are available
Counseling Department
Crisis Services (non-threatening)
San Diego Access & Crisis Line
888 724-7240
Emergency Services (Life-Threatening)
On Campus call Palomar College Campus Police
Off-Campus call 911

Items of Interest

Counting The Vote:  Will we know who won on Election night?
The Associated Press breaks down what could happen and explains how it counts votes and calls races

Path To Victory:  How turnout and swing voters could get Trump or Biden to 270

Stressed out about the Election?  Here are six tips to help you cope


Image Sources