Student Organization Expenses and Reimbursements
Step 1: Verify student organization fund balance to ensure you have sufficient funds with the Student Activity Coordinator, Brooke Beckett, in the Office of Student Life & Leadership. Please send an email inquiry to or call x2312.
Step 2: Once your student organization has verified sufficient funds, place this expense item on your upcoming agenda at your next student organization meeting for approval. On this agenda, include the date, time and location of your meeting.
Step 3: At your meeting, approve the expense. Be sure to include the person who motioned and seconded. Also include your list of members with each person marked “present” or “absent”. Quorum (50% + 1 of club members) must be met for items to be voted on. Remember that advisors are required to be at all club meetings and events, so include their name on the list of attendees. On the meeting minutes, make note of the person who will be spending the money and an estimated amount they will spend.
Meeting minutes are the notes you take at a meeting. You can use the agenda you made for the meeting, make a copy, take notes on it, then save the file as “Meeting Minutes”.
Ex. Brooke Beckett will spend up to $100 of chemistry club funds for the pizza party on 7/17/24. (Pierce motioned, Williams seconded.) Approved.
Step 4: Make an agenda for your club’s next meeting. On this agenda, include “approving your meeting minutes” as an agenda item.
Ex. Agenda item 1: Approve meeting minutes from meeting on 7/1/24.
Step 5: Hold your second meeting. At this meeting, approve the meeting minutes from the first meeting.
Ex. Agenda item 1: Approve meeting minutes from meeting on 7/1/24: Approved unanimously.
Step 6: If your student organization expense is approved at the meeting, this is when the approved club member can spend their personal funds on the club expense. The expense needs to be accounted for on an itemized receipt that will be submitted for reimbursement.
Please note: the meeting minutes must identify how much is being spent by each person (i.e. Nichol Walters is approved to spend up to $20 on cookies and Peter Stone is approved up to $10 on coffee.)
Step 7: Submit completed paperwork (i.e. itemized receipt(s) & approved student organization and/or ASG minutes to Student Activities Coordinator, Brooke Beckett in SU-19 or via email at
*All itemized receipts for reimbursement need to be submitted at the same time.
Student Life and Leadership – (760) 744-1150 x2594