Want to Report a Concern about a Student?
If you have a concern about a student you may file an Incident Report. Incident Reports are used to report both alleged Standards of Student Conduct violations and concerns about a student’s wellbeing. We receive these reports from a place of care and concern, and with regard for the safety of our entire community.
The Office of Student Life & Leadership OR Human Resource Services receive these reports, depending on the nature of the concern. Administrators in those offices will be sure to follow up with the person of concern and address the matters noted in the report.
If there is an immediate safety concern and/or if someone is under the influence of drugs or alcohol, immediately call Campus Police (760-891-7273 or x2289 from a campus phone) and then complete the Incident Report form upon the conclusion of the event.
Have questions about how to fill out the Incident Report?
See below or call the Office of Student Life & Leadership with specific questions (760-744-1150 x2594).
NOTE THE STUDENT ID NUMBER in the appropriate box (including the preceding zeros).
- Faculty – your ADA can provide you with the Student ID Number.
- If you are a student completing an Incident Report and do not have access to the ID number, be sure to accurately spell first and last name and offer identifying information in the report (ex: state a current course that the alleged offender is enrolled in).
Below are some guiding questions to think about when addressing a policy violation or conduct concern. These are helpful to think about in advance of an event, so that you are best prepared to write an Incident Report just in case an incident occurs.
Note all statements and observations (detailed examples) that help demonstrate the reported concern. For example, rather than writing, “The student was uncooperative,” list all specific behavior and statements that demonstrate what occurred during the incident. Additionally, please include dates, times, and specific locations.
For example, instead of “First I said don’t use a anything on the exam, then later she used a phone calculator on the exam.” it is better to write, “At 8:00am I delivered exam instructions, including the statement that no calculators and no cell phones are allowed during the exam. Then, at 8:23am, I observed the student pulling out a calculator from her jacket pocket and then when I approached the student about the device, she look stunned and said, ‘It’s not what you think.’ I then immediately collected her exam and she left quietly.”
Academic Honesty
- Who is the accused party?
- What is the timeline of the events?
- Is there a statement in the course syllabus that has been violated, in addition to any violations of the code of conduct (ex: no cell phones allowed in the classroom)?
- What instructions were given to the student that the student blatantly disregarded (ex: no cell phone use during an exam)?
- What behavior occurred and what statements were made during the incident?
- What statements or behavior demonstrate that the student’s behavior was compliant or disrespectful, dishonest or forthcoming, etc.?
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (ex: photos, video, or copies of emails)?
- Did you call Campus Police to address the cheating (if applicable – ex: a student is taking photos of an exam)?
Alcohol (consumption/ possession/ distribution)
- If you believe the person to be under the influence of alcohol, immediately call Campus Police to conduct an assessment so they verify if the person is under the influence, and call for medical support if needed.
- Does the individual appear to be currently under the influence of alcohol? How can you tell?
- Remember the three senses test – What do you see, hear, or smell that leads you to believe that someone is under the influence, or not?
- Is the individual in physical possession of alcohol? How can you tell?
- Had the individual been drinking earlier? If so, where? When? Do they appear to still be under the influence? How can you tell?
- Where did he/ she obtain the alcohol?
- Did the individual furnish/ sell/ provide/ give away alcohol to others? How was this determined?
- Was the individual provided medical attention (EMTs, detox or hospital)?
- Where was the student drinking (both on and off campus)?
- What event was the student coming from/ going to?
- If related, what organization is the student a member of? (ex: sports team, club, etc.)
- What is the person’s age?
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (photos)?
Challenging Behavior/ Classroom Disruption
- If there is immediate behavior that you are unable to safely and confidently deescalate, contact Campus Police right away.
- Remember that your safety and the safety of other students is a priority. If you are able to safely help the student calm down, do so and walk them either to the Office of Student Life & Leadership or to Behavioral Health to meet with a counselor.
- Who is the accused party?
- What is the timeline of events?
- What happened prior to the incident? Was there any triggering statement or event that may help explain the cause of the behavior?
- What specific actions or words were disruptive?
- Is this behavior a violation of your syllabus (you can attached a copy of your syllabus to the incident report)?
- How long has this behavior been going on?
- What actions or behavior has been perceived as disruptive?
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (photos, emails)?
- Remain impartial toward all students involved as you are able.
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (copies of emails, text messages, etc)?
- Who else was impacted by the events (any witnesses)? Be sure to follow up with any other impacted parties (other students who witnessed the event) as you are able.
Marijuana and Other Drugs (possession/ use/ distribution)
- If you believe the person to be under the influence of marijuana or other drugs, immediately call Campus Police to conduct an assessment so they verify if the person is under the influence, and call for medical support if needed.
- Immediately call Campus Police when you suspect Marijuana and other drug possession/ use on campus.
- Does the individual appear to be currently under the influence of marijuana or other drugs? How can you tell?
- Remember the three senses test – What do you see, hear, or smell that leads you to believe that someone is under the influence, or not?
- Is there a distinct smell of marijuana in the area? If so, call Campus Police.
- Was an individual in physical possession of marijuana? How can you tell?
- Do you know if the individual was consuming marijuana earlier on or off campus? If so, where? When? Do they appear to still be under the influence? How can you tell?
- Where did he/ she obtain the marijuana?
- Did the individual furnish/ sell/ provide/ give away marijuana to others? How was this determined?
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (photos)?
- Who is reporting the theft?
- Who is the impacted party? (Sometimes the person reporting the theft is not the victim of the crime).
- Who is the accused party?
- What is the timeline of events?
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (photos)?
- Refer the student to Campus Police to file a report and submit your Incident Report.
- If there is an immediate threat, contact Campus Police right away.
- Who is reporting the threat?
- Who is the impacted party? (Sometimes the person reporting the threat is not the victim of the crime).
- For what reasons do they feel they, or someone else, is being threatened?
- Who is the accused party?
- What is the timeline of events?
- How long has this behavior been going on?
- What actions or behavior has been perceived are threatening? If applicable, is there documentation of the threat(s) that you can include in your report?
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (photos, emails)?
- Remain impartial toward all students involved as you are able.
- Is there any supporting documentation you can include in the Incident Report (copies of emails, text messages, etc)?