Below is a checklist for your journey to success. Keep in mind that you may need to complete steps earlier or later in your own journey. Use the units as a guideline of when to complete the steps.
0 units (New Students)
In addition to the Steps to Enrollment:
- Check registration date and time in MyPalomar
- Activate Palomar email account in MyPalomar
- Apply to Palomar Promise program.
- Check your recommendations for math and English placement in MyPalomar
- Apply for Disability Resources if needed
- Apply to TRiO or EOPS if qualified
1 – 14 units
- See a counselor for an initial education plan
- Visit the Career Center in SU-17 to start career exploration
- Learn about the various tutoring centers
- Explore student support programs: Veterans, STEM, Former Foster Youth, TRiO, EOPS, CalWORKs, Transfer Center
- Apply for Palomar College scholarships in MyPalomar in February
15 – 29 units
- See a counselor for a comprehensive education plan
- Take COUN 165 (Career Exploration) if still undecided
- Attend Career Discovery Day in spring
- Explore TAG requirements for UC
- Look into AD-Ts for CSU
- Attend College Fair in October
30 – 44 units
- See a counselor to update education plan
- Declare major in Admissions or in Counseling
- Attend application workshop through Transfer Center:
*Apply to the CSU October 1 – November 30
*Apply to the UC October 1 – November 30
*Private and out-of-state universities – application periods vary
45 – 59 units
- See a counselor to plan for graduation
- Attend Career Center Job Expo in spring
- Create a resume and cover letter in the Career Center
- Apply for summer internships in October – February
60 units and more
- Apply for Financial Aid by March 2 for universities in California
- Apply for AA/AS/ADT in the semester you are completing the last course
- Print Application for Graduation in MyPalomar. Submit to Admissions by 2/28, 6/30, or 9/30
- Go to Student Life and Leadership website for Commencement (graduation) details
- Apply for CSU GE/IGETC certification if completing the pattern. Submit Application for Graduation.
- Submit Intent to Register to universities
- Submit final transcripts to universities after completing the final semester.