Probation and Dismissal
What is Probation?
Students will be placed on probation when they have:
- Attempted at least 12 graded units; and their
- Cumulative (overall) GPA falls below 2.0
Students will be placed on progress probation when they have:
- Cumulative (overall) attempted units with W, I, NP, or NC grades continue to be 50% or more of all attempted units
- Semester (term) attempted units with W, I, NP, or NC grades are below 50%
What is Dismissal
Student who is on academic probation 2 shall be subject to dismissal if the student:
- Earned a cumulative and semester GPA below 2.0 in all units attempted in each of three consecutive semesters
Academic Status Level
Select your academic status level to determine your next steps. To read a description of each level, click here.
No action required at this time. You are strongly encouraged to meet with a counselor for advisement. Take a look at these student success tips.
Select Option A or B below. An enrollment hold will be placed on your record until you have fulfilled this requirement.
Option A: Success Workshop Online
1. Access the online workshop by clicking on this direct link.
2. Enter your first name, last name, and student ID. All information must be correct to receive credit.
3. Holds will be released within 24 hours of successful completion of the workshop.
4. You are encouraged to book an appointment with a counselor for individualized help even after your hold is cleared.
*If you are on probation level 2 for a second time, watching the online workshop will not clear your hold. You will be required to set up an appointment with a counselor to get your hold cleared. If during registration time, we can clear your hold so that you can register, but you are still required to meet with a counselor.
Option B: Counseling Appointment
1. Call (760) 891-7511 or book online to set up an appointment with a counselor. You will have the opportunity to ask a counselor questions about your education plan.
2. Holds will be released immediately after your session with the counselor.
No action required. While you have successfully completed your coursework, your overall record remains below standards.
You are required to sit-out for one semester (fall semester) before petitioning to re-enroll. Academic Dismissal Petition for Reinstatement is available in the Evaluations Office and may be submitted following your semester absence. Holds will be released beginning in December.
Follow directions below:
1. Sit-out (do not enroll in classes) for one semester (fall or spring) at Palomar College. Summers are not included as a term to sit-out. You may attend summer, but you are strongly urged to meet with a counselor for advisement.
2. Obtain an Academic Dismissal Petition for Reinstatement from the Evaluations Office during the semester you sit-out. Fill out the petition and submit it to the Evaluations Office in person or via email
3. Holds will be released in December prior to Spring re-enrollment (reinstatement). Check out the class schedule to Find classes and Enroll. You may need to crash your courses for the semester.
We can help you!

Meet with a Counselor
Counselors can help you get back on good standing and provide you an education plan. Call (760) 891-7511 or book online to set up a counseling appointment.

Student Resources
Check out student resources on-campus to help you achieve your goals. Resources such as free tutoring can help improve your grades.