The Counseling Department provides a variety of services that meet the needs of the students.
Education Planning
Speak with a counselor regarding any academic planning issues which may arise during your time at Palomar College. Counselors can assist you with creating a semester by semester education plan to achieve your goals.Transfer Counseling
You will learn how to successfully transfer to a university. You will receive assistance in researching and choosing the right university based on your individual needs.
Personal Counseling/ Additional Resources
Palomar offers personal counseling assist you with personal concerns as well as additional resources such as tutoring, first-year experience programs, or financial aid.
Career Counseling
Career Counseling is available to assist undecided students get focused on their short and long term career goals.Program Specific Counseling
Click on an icon to learn more about specific programs with Palomar College
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for international students of Palomar College.
Location: SU-103
(760) 744-1150 x2167
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for first-generation college students and/or low income students and/or students with disabilities.
Location: TCB-1
(760) 744-1150 x2761
Education planning, career guidance and personal counseling related to academic success for California residents who are economically, socially and educationally disadvantaged.
Location: AA-141
(760) 744-1150 x2449
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for students with children receiving cash aid (CalWORKs/TANF).
Location: AA-141
(760) 744-1150 x2449
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling for students with physical, learning, vision, hearing, communication and psychological disabilities.
Location: DSPS Building
(760) 744-1150 x2375
TTY (760) 471-8506
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for Veterans and other eligible dependents receiving educational benefits under Chapter 30, 32, 35, 1606, 1607, who have never used their VA educational benefits.
Location: ST-52
(760) 744-1150 x2173
Camp Pendleton: (760) 725-6626
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for students enrolled in STEM classes or are potential STEM majors.
Location: NS-310
(760) 744-1150 x2265
Counseling services available for athletes for education plans, eligibility, and NCAA and NAIA transfer.
For Appointments visit M-8 or call 760-744-1150 x3052
Location: O-10
Individual, couples, and group counseling services, consultation, outreach, and psychological services to support students.
San Marcos NB-2
Escondido Room 203
San Marcos: (760) 891-7531
Escondido: (760) 891-7532
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for First Year Experience, Promise Students and students involved in Learning Communities Program.
Location: TLC-100
(760) 744-1150 x3931
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for students enrolled in a Learning Community taking Counseling and English courses.
Education planning, career guidance, and personal counseling related to academic success for students interested in the Umoja community.