Student Centered Funding Formula

The California Community Colleges (CCC) Board of Governors adopted a strategic plan, the Vision for Success, in July 2017. The plan calls for CCCs to significantly increase completion and transfer rates, provide educational access and opportunity, and reduce achievement gaps. The 2018 Budget Act established the new Student Centered Funding Formula (SCFF) for general purpose apportionments to further accelerate improvements and align with system’s goals and priorities related to student success, equity, and access.

Learn more from these resources:

Palomar Community College District FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget

2019-20 Palomar College SCFF Simulations

Statutory Language: Education Code 84750.4: Student Centered Funding Formula

Resources from the Chancellor’s Office

In-Depth Analysis of the State Budget: Update on Governor’s Budget (slides)

In-Depth Analysis of the State Budget: Update on Governor’s Budget

Technical SCFF FAQs

Non-Technical FAQs SCFF

Hold Harmless Provisions

SCFF “Nuts and Bolts”

SCFF Data Deep-Dive

Chancellor’s Office Overview of the Student Centered Funding Formula 

California Community Colleges Apportionment Reports

Management Information Systems (MIS) Data Mart

The Community College Budget Process

Chancellor’s Recommendations on Funding for the California Community Colleges (April 2018)

Resources from the Community College League of California

CEO Student-Centered Funding Formula Taskforce

CEO SCFF Taskforce Preliminary Recommendations (April 2019)

CEO Funding Formula Workgroup Recommendations (April 2018)

Financial Crisis & Management Assistance Team (FCMAT) Resources

Version 20.1 of the SCFF Calculator 

Legislative Analyst’s Office

The 2019-20 Budget Higher Education Analysis

Summary of LAO’s Recommendations