COVID-19 Resources

COVID-19 Resource Request Process

COVID-19 Resource Request – Steps to Request Funds

  1. Once a department or division determines they have a need for COVID-19 funding, please first read the memos below regarding the COVID-19 relief funds.  This will provide a general understanding of what costs are permitted and those that are prohibited.
  2. Determine all the costs associated with your plan, the timeline, and collect documentation (e.g. price quotes or receipts) to support your proposal.
  3. Fill out the COVID-19 Resource Request e-form HERE. Please note that any technology-related requests require the approval of the Information Services department and is a part of the routing on this e-form. Please attach any supporting documentation to your request. If any additional information is necessary, Fiscal Services staff will reach out to you with those questions, or you can contact them at
  4. All proposals are first reviewed by Finance & Administrative Services staff and then routed weekly to the Executive Cabinet (meets on Tuesday’s) for their feedback and/or approval. Once a COVID-19 proposal is approved it’s routed to the Budget Office for the development of a proposal budget which is loaded in PeopleSoft. Next the Budget Office will update the form by adding the account string information to the e-form; at that time the point of contact will receive an approval notification for the particular proposal via email. At this point, the project is fully approved and funded. Executive Cabinet will review budgets and expenditures every other week to ensure that project timeline is in compliance with our spend by date. If a project falls behind, funds may be reallocated.


COVID-19 Resource Request

Guidance: Use of COVID-19 Funding

HEERF Funds Comparison Chart – Side by Side Summary of HEERF I, II and III

Palomar College Memorandum – Update on COVID-19 Relief Funds (FAS-21-01)

HEERF I CARES Guidance FAQ’s – Student Portion 

HEERF I CARES Guidance FAQ’s – Institutional Portion

HEERF II CARES Guidance FAQ’s – Student and Institutional Portions

Block Grant Guidance State & Federal – Chancellor’s Office Memorandum Revised FS-20-08 8-31-2020

CARES (HEERF) Institutional Portion – Reporting Information

COVID-19 Received by the District

  • HEERF I – $7,702,862 (Student Portion $3,851,431 and Institutional Portion $3,851,431)
    • CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Portion CFDA 84.425E: $3,851,421 for emergency financial aid grants to students. Application for student grants is available on the student’s MyPalomar account.
    • CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion CFDA 84.425F: $3,851,431 for expenses related to the disruption of campus operations due to coronavirus.
  • HEERF II – $17,131,625 (Student Portion $3,851,431 and Institutional Portion $13,280,194)
    • CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Student Portion CFDA 84.425E: $3,851,421 for emergency financial aid grants to students. Application for student grants is available on the student’s MyPalomar account.
    • CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Institutional Portion CFDA 84.425F: $13,280,194 to ensure learning continues for students during the COVID-19 pandemic and to prepare for the eventual, safe return to face to face instruction under the CRRSAA as HEERF II.
  • CARES Act Higher Education Emergency Relief Fund (HEERF) Minority Serving Institution CFDA 84.425L: $521,329 – additional relief funds
  • Federal Block Grant – Coronavirus Relief Fund (CRF) $877,342: For necessary expenditures incurred due to the public health emergency that was not accounted for in the budget as of March 27, 2020.
  • State Block Grant – PROP 98 COVID-19 Response Block Grant $1,076,948: To support student learning and mitigate learning loss related to the pandemic

Contact Information

To submit COVID-19 cost proposals please submit and request HERE. If you have any questions please email

Ambur Borth, Assistant Superintendent/Vice President Finance and Administrative Services -760-744-1150 Ext. 2109

Pai Wang-Smith, Accountant – 760-744-1150 Ext. 2896 or

COVID-19 Resource Request & General Information Email Address: