Transportation – Vehicle Idling Policy

College employees have been asked to help minimize air pollution and maximize fuel efficiency by operating College vehicles and equipment in an environmentally and economically responsible manner.

It is known that:

  • One hour of idling consumes approximately one gallon of fuel.
  • Idling for one hour equates to approximately 33 miles of engine wear on a standard automobile.
  • Idling contributes to poor air quality that may result in cost mandated controls.

Drivers of College vehicles are being asked to:

  • Not allow College vehicles and equipment to idle for any length of time (five minutes is the maximum) unless idling the vehicle is necessary to accomplish work-related tasks.
  • Obey posted speed limits.
    • Excessive speed reduces fuel economy, increases air pollution, creates hazardous driving conditions, and is unlawful.
  • Plan and map out trips to minimize distances traveled.