In order to provide a responsive and flexible transportation service for the College community, Palomar College maintains several vehicles for use by faculty, staff, volunteers and students, when engaged in official College business.
To request a vehicle from the Facilities Office, please submit your request through Facilitron. To set-up an account, please email You will receive an automated email from Facilitron to create a password to access your account. In you reservation, please include the name of the Authorized Driver and an Account String.
Only those Palomar College employees, cleared by the California Department of Motor Vehicles and approved by the Facilities Office will be allowed to operate a District fleet vehicle or a leased rental vehicle.
Use of Fleet Vehicles
Fleet vehicles shall be picked up from the Facilities Office immediately before departure for a trip. If a vehicle is needed prior to 7:00 a.m. or after 4:30 p.m. Monday through Friday, or on a weekend, arrangements must be made to pick up the trip ticket packet during regular office hours. Trip Ticket Packets are prepared one day prior to the scheduled date of travel.
- An “Information Form” is taped to the Trip Ticket Packet with telephone numbers to call should there be any mechanical difficulty or an accident with the vehicle.
- The Trip Ticket Packet contains:
- Vehicle Operator Trip Ticket Request Form (please read all instructions).
- Vehicle Keys
- Gasoline Card w/State of California Voyager Fuel Card Instructions
- SWACC (Statewide Association of Community Colleges) Accident Report Form
- After the driver locates the vehicle, the driver is to complete a general inspection of the vehicle, checking for general condition (dirt both inside and outside, trash, personal items…), fuel level, mechanical problems and damage.
- Drivers are to conduct a basic safety check of the tires, lighting and turn-signals and mechanical/system warning lights.
- Any comments on the condition of the vehicle should be noted within the boxes on the Trip Ticket Form
- After checking the condition of the vehicle, the driver is to check to insure that the vehicle registration and insurance documents are present (and current). These documents will be located in the “glove box” or center console of the vehicle.
- Palomar College Fleet Vehicles may not be driven to and from home.
- Palomar College Fleet Vehicles may not be left overnight at an airport, bus or train station.