Accident/Incident Reviews
Preventable at-fault accidents may result in revocation or suspension of driving privileges and/or driver testing and training, as well as disciplinary action. Examples of preventable at-fault accidents include but are not limited to:
- Accidents caused by following too close to another vehicle,
- Accidents while backing up the vehicle,
- Accidents at intersections
- Accidents that result from driving too fast for the conditions
- Leaving the scene of an accident, if the accident resulted in a personal injury or death.
Accidents will be investigated to determine what was the cause of the accident. If you were “at-fault” and/or received a surcharge, the findings will be documented.
If you get a ticket for an offense chargeable to you while driving a College vehicle, it is your responsibility to pay the ticket.
Alcohol/Drug Use
The operation of a college-owned vehicle by any individual who is under the influence of alcohol or drugs is in violation of college policy and is strictly prohibited.
Reference: Palomar Community College District – Administrative Policies – Chapter 3 – General Institution
- AP3550: Drug Free Environment & Drug Prevention Program
- AP3560 Alcoholic Beverages
Operating college-owned vehicles while taking prescription drugs that may interfere with driving ability is not permitted.
Automatic Suspensions
The following action will result in the loss of College vehicle driving privileges:
- Allowing an unauthorized driver (one not listed in the Facilitron reservation request) and/or one who has not been approved to drive a college vehicle.
- Any unsafe, prohibited, or inappropriate use of College vehicles.
- Allowing spouses, children, friends, and acquaintances of faculty, staff and students (unauthorized passengers)
- Drivers misusing College vehicles may be held personally liable for damages to persons or property as well their own legal expenses and defense, since the driver is acting outside the course and scope of permitted College business.
- Driving to a destination other than that approved in the Facilitron reservation request.
- Failure to file an accident report with the local police where the accident occurs in a timely manner or to notify the Facilities Office.
- Hitchhikers are not permitted in College vehicles.
- Misrepresentation of either a driving record or reasons and authority to operate or use a College vehicle.
- Driving with a revoked, suspended or withdrawn driver’s license
- Violating state and federal traffic laws, damaging other vehicles or property while intoxicated, transporting alcohol/drugs, or any other illegal or irresponsible use of a College vehicle.
All traffic and/or moving violations (i.e. tickets) must be reported to the Facilities Office upon return to campus. This information, including circumstances, location, violations and citation information should be as specific as possible and be directed to the Facilities Coordinator for review. Failure to report traffic/moving violation will result in the immediate loss of driving privileges and other sanctions.
If you are arrested at the scene of an accident (e.g., for drunk driving, reckless endangerment), you, the driver are responsible for any legal costs you may incur including attorney fees, bail, court costs, etc. The College insurance does not cover these costs even if you are later found not guilty of the charges.
In the event that the driver of a College vehicle commits a parking violation (receive a parking ticket), it is the responsibility of the driver to pay any and all parking fines and fees. The driver must also notify the Facilities Office of this violation upon return to campus; failure to promptly report such a violation will result in sanctions being assessed.
- There is a Seat Belt Law in the State of California. If you are stopped and fined for not wearing one, the fine will be your personal responsibility. This is in keeping with the present College procedures that users of College vehicles are responsible for any fines or penalties associated with driving and parking violations.
- It is the driver’s responsibility to ensure that all passengers wear their seat belts.
- The driver should refuse to take any passenger who refuses to cooperate and may not operate the vehicle if passengers do not have seat belts properly fastened.
- An approved College driver must report immediately to the Facilities Specialist any change in license status, such as license suspension or revocation. Any citation or violation received while operating a College vehicle must be reported. In addition, all moving violations must be reported, even if the violation occurred while operating a vehicle other than a College vehicle, prior to driving a College vehicle. The Facilities Coordinator will determine if the violation is significant enough to affect the driver’s privilege to drive a College vehicle.
- The driver’s department and Instructional Dean and/or Vice-President will be notified if it is determined that a driver is not approved for driving a College vehicle.
- Reported incidents of near misses, and reckless driving may also be investigated for appropriate disciplinary action.