The Palomar College Facilities Department Fleet Vehicles are a reflection of the College, therefore, our vehicles should be driven in a way that represents the College in a positive and safe manner. For our drivers this means extending that extra courtesy to other vehicles and pedestrians, following the rules of the road, and most importantly being safe.
“When you take the wheel on or near campus, you owe it to yourself to raise your level of vigilance. Do everything a little more deliberately. Recognize certain “hot spots” that should make you sit up straight, face front, turn down the radio, put animated conversation on hold, and expect the unexpected.”
We all know what it’s like to drive on campus once a class lets out. There are many pedestrians on the sidewalks and roads and we need to keep in mind that this campus is meant for pedestrians, not vehicles. Slow down and always give the pedestrian the right-of-way. Vehicles must remain on paved roads and paths and absolutely avoid taking short cuts through grass, gravel, and other inappropriate driving areas. Drivers must operate equipment at a safe speed for roadway conditions. A Good “rule of thumb” is to drive at a fast walking pace.