Our Skilled Maintenance Technicians main responsibilities are to respond and complete minor maintenance calls for the Palomar College campuses. The Skilled Maintenance Technicians responsibility is to respond, evaluate and make recommendations. The SMT completes the call if it is within their scope. If the service call is outside the SMT’s scope, the maintenance repair call is returned to the Facilities Office to be redirected to the appropriate trade.
The following are examples of services provided by the Skilled Maintenance Technicians that are generally not chargeable to the requesting department:
- Ceiling/Roof leaks
- Install banners/signage.
- Lubricate hinges
- Replace ceiling tiles
- Repair/replace floor tiles
- Repair/replace door closures
- Repair and replace missing cove base (not entire rooms)
- Repair downspouts and gutters
- Repair some broken furniture (i.e., chairs, desks, tables and podiums).
Services that are usually charged to the requesting department include:
- Hang bulletin boards, pictures, plaques and whiteboards
- Install cabinet/desk locks
- Install drapes, mini-blinds
- Removing walls
- Repair/replace windows
NOTE: From time-to-time, campus personnel purchases furniture that has not been pre-assembled. Others request custom-made cabinetry or shelving for their offices or classrooms. With labor costs as they are, it is normally to the benefit of the District to purchase pre-assembled furniture and shelving. Only under extraordinary circumstances, can requests for furniture assembly or cabinetry be filled. Purchasing pre-assembled furniture and shelving will eliminate this problem.
Swimming Pool Maintenance
Our Skilled Maintenance Technician and/or Maintenance Plumbers maintain the Campus Swimming Pool as follows:
- Conducts chemical tests on the pool water
- Checks the pool water temperature
- Checks, sets, and adjusts the pool chlorination unit for proper operation
- Maintains balanced chemical condition on pool water
- Maintains a daily log of pool water tests and operations
- Monitors the use of and orders pool supplies as needed
Nature of Work/Skilled Maintenance Technicians:
Skilled Maintenance Technicians have skills in many different crafts. They repair and maintain machines, mechanical equipment, and buildings and work on plumbing, electrical, and air-conditioning and heating systems. They build partitions, fix windows, doors, floors, and other parts of building structures.
Skilled Maintenance Technicians inspect and diagnose problems and determine the best way to correct them, frequently checking blueprints, repair manuals, and parts catalogs. They obtain supplies and repair parts from distributors or storerooms. Using common hand and power tools such as screwdrivers, saws, drills, wrenches, and hammers, as well as specialized equipment and electronic testing devices, these workers replace or fix worn or broken parts, where necessary.
Skilled Maintenance Technicians – Parking Lots
Our Skilled Maintenance Technicians – Parking Lots main responsibilities are to perform daily inspections of parking lots, roadways and signage for maintenance and repair needs, ensure parking lots and roadways are clear and safe.
The following are examples of services provided by the Skilled Maintenance Technicians that are generally not chargeable to the requesting department:
- Dead animal removal
- Paint crosswalks, directional arrows, curbs and strips in roads and parking lots; repair cracks and potholes in roads as needed.
- Repair and/or install news signs and sign posts in parking lots and roads as needed.
- Street sweeping
- Trash Removal
Please do not contact our Skilled Maintenance Technicians directly: Questions, please contact the Facilities Office at extension 2629, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- To request new work, (this is a chargeable service) and/or repairs, please submit your work order via email to Facilities Remedy.
- If this is an emergency, please contact the Facilities Office, at extension 2629, immediately.