Our Maintenance Plumbers are responsible for the maintenance and repair of plumbing systems and piping systems. Services are available as regular or specially requested jobs/projects. Emergency needs are addressed immediately as they become known.
The following are examples of services provided by the Maintenance Plumbers that are generally not chargeableto the requesting department:
- Odd odors. Identify the odor if possible and report it immediately to the Facilities Office at extension 2629.
- Maintain and repair boilers, campus water fountains, grease traps, ice machines, garbage disposals and water heaters.
- Repair and replace underground water and sewer lines; sewage and storm water pumps
- Routine preventative maintenance of showers, eyewashes, and domestic hot water circulators
- They provide standard repairs for toilets, urinals and sinks
- Unclog drains and repair leaks
Services that are usually charged to the requesting department include:
- Plumbing associated with remodeling or renovations
- Performing minor construction
- Installing departmental equipment
Please do not contact our Maintenance Plumbers directly: Questions, please contact the Facilities Office at extension 2629, Monday through Friday, from 7:00 a.m. to 4:30 p.m.
- To request new work, (this is a chargeable service) and/or repairs, please submit your work order via email to Facilities Remedy.
- If this is an emergency, please contact the Facilities Office, at extension 2629, immediately.
Nature of Work/Plumbing:
Plumbers install, maintain, and repair many different types of pipe systems. Some of these systems move water from reservoirs to municipal water treatment plants and then to residential, commercial, and public builders. Other systems dispose of waste, supply gas to stoves and furnaces, or provide for heating and cooling needs.
Plumbers install and repair the water, waste disposal, drainage, and gas systems in homes and commercial and industrial buildings. Plumbers also install plumbing fixtures—bathtubs, showers, sinks and toilets—and appliances such as dishwashers, waste disposers, and water heaters.
Plumbers use many different materials and construction techniques, depending on the type of project. Plumbers must be able to follow building plans or blueprints and instructions from supervisors, lay out the job, and work efficiently with the materials and tools of their trade.
Plumbers have become more involved in the design process. Their knowledge of codes and the operation of plumbing systems can cut costs. First, they lay out the job to fit the piping into the structure with the least waste of material. Then they measure and mark areas in which pipes will be installed and connected. Construction plumbers also check for obstructions such as electrical wiring and, if necessary, plan the pipe installation about the problem.
Sometimes, plumbers have to cut holes in walls, ceilings and floors. With some systems, they hang steel supports from ceiling joists to hold the pipe in place. To assemble a system, plumbers—using saws, pipe cutters, and pipe-bending machines—cut and bend lengths of pipe. They connect the lengths of pipe with fittings, using methods that depend on the type of pipe used. For plastic pipe, plumbers connect the sections and fittings with adhesives. For copper pipe, they slide a fitting over the end of the pipe and solder it in place with a torch.