Chapter 7: Human Resources

Administrative Procedures

AP 7110 Delegation of Authority

AP 7120 Recruitment and Hiring 

AP 7120A Faculty Recruitment and Hiring Procedures

AP 7125 Verification of Eligibility for Employment 

AP 7126 Applicant Background Checks 

AP 7127 Restrictions Governing the Employment of Applicants with Criminal Records 

AP 7131 Health and Welfare Benefits 

AP 7145 Personnel Files 

AP 7150 Employee Evaluations

AP 7160 Professional Development

AP 7175 District Awards 

AP 7211 Faculty Service Areas, Minimum Qualifications and Equivalencies

AP 7212 Temporary Faculty 

AP 7213 Part-time Faculty: Benefits 

AP 7214 Part-time Faculty: Office Hours 

AP 7215 Probationary Contract Faculty Academic Employees:

AP 7216 Employee Grievance/Complaint Procedure 

AP 7231 Seniority 

AP 7232 Classification Review 

AP 7233 Claims for Work Out of Classification 

AP 7234 Classified Employee Overtime 

AP 7235 Probationary Period: Classified Employees 

AP 7237 Layoffs 

AP 7240 Confidential Employees 

AP 7250 Educational Administrators 

AP 7270 Student Workers 

AP 7330 Communicable Disease 

AP 7336 Certification of Freedom from Tuberculosis 

AP 7337 Fingerprinting 

AP 7340 Leaves 

AP 7342 Holidays 

AP 7343 Industrial Accident and Illness Leave 

AP 7344 Notifying District of Illness 

AP 7345 Catastrophic Leave 

AP 7346 Employees Called to Military Duty 

AP 7365 Discipline and Dismissal – Classified Employees 

AP 7370 Use of District Resources for Political Activity 

AP 7371 Personal Use of Public Resources 

AP 7375 Tax Sheltered Annuities/Deferred Compensation Programs 

AP 7380 Retiree Health Benefits 

AP 7500 Volunteers and Interns 

AP 7510 Domestic Partners 

AP 7600 Palomar College Police Department 

AP 7700 Whistleblower Protection