District Policies and Procedures Overview

Palomar Community College District Governing Board Policies & Administrative Procedures Overview

Policies & Procedures Committee Members & Meeting Schedule

Policies & Procedures Revision Process

All Board BP’s and AP’s are vetted through the participatory governance process. The linked chapters at left in the drop down menu have been – if Board Policies, adopted by the Governing Board – otherwise, Administrative Procedures are approved by the Superintendent/President.

Polices & Procedures are housed in the President’s Office. The District subscribes to the Community College League of California’s (CCLC) Policy & Procedure Service which provides template language for over 400 board policies (BPs) and administrative procedures (APs) which are organized into seven different chapters. The District’s continuous review cycle assures that policies and procedures are reviewed (and amended, when necessary) regularly. The District also monitors and addresses revisions that are proposed by the CCLC’s Policy & Procedure Service to assure timely compliance with legal mandates.

If you have any questions regarding the District’s policies and procedures, believe there is an error with the website, or experience any ADA compliance issues with this web page, please contact Kelly Miller in the Governing Board office at 760-744-1150 x7509.