Our students need our help. How are you helping them?

Today we held what is likely the most important Professional Development workshop of the semester:  Supporting Students with Behavioral Challenges and Understanding Mental Health Stigmas

Five very brave students shared their stories with us of their challenges, while also sharing with us strategies we could use in the classroom to help our student with mental health issues.

This list of strategies is straight from the mouths of our students.  We as faculty need to take time to listen to our students and put ourselves in their shoes. What strategies are you using in the classroom and does it include the following suggestions?

  • Student assume we don’t care until we take the time to reach out to them.  Are you taking the time to have a conversation with your students?
  • Syllabus:  Include a nondiscrimination statement in your syllabus.
  • If a student has started to miss classes have you discussed with them their absences and reasons for it, you never know what your students are dealing with.
  • Help your students by reaching out to them.  Students with mental illness may not know they have the illness, or don’t know help is available.
  • Allowing for late work is very helpful.  Turning something in late means they wanted to do it and meant to do it.  Many times missing work is not on purpose.
    • If people in the workforce get a little time off when they are going through tough life choices then why not allow our students who are having problems have a little time off?
  • Have an open door policy. However, know that availability is not the same as approachability.  You must show them that you truly want them to come to your office.
  • Know about  important references at Palomar that may help your students and share them with your students.
  • Approach students that you are concerned about.  Show them that your care.  Be reasonable.  Reach out and help, they do want to be there.
  • Be aware of changes in your students. Has their appearance changed or mood changed.
  • Create an environment that helps.
  • On the first day of class take 10 minutes to talk about mental health.
    • 10 minutes could include:
      • Resources for all students, Mental health resources, DRC to get a referral, Academic anxiety, Growth mindset, grit, Dial 211 on any phone for the SD helpline, Behavioral health counseling
  • Use different methods of testing for different learners.
  • It is ok to approach students and cross the boundary.  Show them you care.
  • “You professors are extremely vital in the life of your students beyond the course content”
  • Tell your students how normal it is to have mental health issues
  • Walk students to DRC or to other resources
  • I see you, I notice you
  • Faculty to student relationship is the most important
  • Office hours:  it’s not just availability its approach-ability
  • What will you do for your students? How will you help them?
  • We never know what our students are going through.

Helpful videos on Depression:

What are you doing to teach the whole student?

Google Hangout: What do the numbers mean?

I want to thank Dan Sourbeer for joining me on this hangout titled “Palomar College: What do the numbers mean?”

This was our first attempt at a Hangout On Air and I am sure it won’t be the last!  We both learned a lot in this first hangout, so I know the next ones will be even better.

Here is the recording:

If you have further questions please comment below and we will do our best to answer them.

OR, if you have ideas for what we could do at Palomar to help us increase enrollment please share your ideas!

Teach like a PIRATE!

We are excited to announce another awesome day of inspirational Professional Development for teachers.  Please join us on Friday October 30th to learn from Dave Burgess, the author of “Teach Like a PIRATE”.  This event is open to Faculty from Palomar, MiraCosta, CSUSM, and other local Educators. You must register for this event! This event is limited to 150 people. The cost is FREE!

To register go to: http://teachlikeapirate.brownpapertickets.com/

PARKING: Please park in Lots 1 & 2 which are located in the main entrance to the college.  Do not turn on Comet Circle which will take you around the college.  If you do not have a parking pass you will be ticketed in any lots other than Lot 1 & 2.  Here is a campus map for further clarification:San Marcos Campus Map

Click here to print the event flyer, or view below:

It only takes a moment to make a difference!

Yesterday I was at Starbucks, right by school, enjoying an iced coffee while working on my online class.  Sitting next to me were two students and a mom.  I realized pretty quick that a girl and her mom were helping the guy understand how to enroll in classes and how to use the suggested schedule given to him by his counselor.  He is new to Palomar and had many questions, I could sense he was starting to feel as though there were no course options that would work for him and since he tested into Math 15 he felt like he was already starting way behind.  I decided to introduce myself and let them know  I am a teacher at Palomar so if they had any more questions I was happy to help.  I spent the next 15 minutes or so talking with them and easing his concern.  I then told him I still had room for another student in my Health class and helped him enroll.  It was a moment that not only made him smile, but also made me feel like I was truly making a difference.

I know many of us have stories like this.  It made me want to hear about all the good we are doing.

If you’d like to share an experience you had with a student, please do so!  It only takes a moment to make a difference!

Looking for captioned videos to use for your classes?

Are you looking for captioned videos to use in your classes?

If so, go to the Academic Technology Resource Center’s website: http://www.palomar.edu/atrc/faculty-services/streaming-media/

The ATRC website provides links to the Palomar Streaming Server,  the videos that we have in the library, and you can also see what 3C Media has to offer.



“Nuts and Bolts of Teaching at Palomar” Workshop Thursday August 6th 5-7pm MD-157

The Nuts and Bolts of Teaching

at Palomar College

Panel Discussion:   

Thursday, August 6, 2015

5:00-7:00 p.m. in room MD-157

(PD Code 32)



Here are all of the documents for the “Nuts and Bolts” workshop:


Please let us know if you have any other questions we can answer!

PD Contract: “save” vs “submit”

When working on your PD contract in eServices you will see the “save” button on each page to save any additions or revisions you have made to your contract.  Since your contract is a work in progress please feel free to make changes as needed throughout the semester.

When you have completed a PD activity please be sure to confirm the completion of the activity by going to the last step of the PD contract in eServices and entering the completed hours, this confirms that you did in fact complete the activity.  Hit “save changes” to save the activity.

Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 8.51.08 AMFor full-time faculty: When you have confirmed the completion of your required 72 hours in the final step of the contract you will then see a button that says “submit to PD”.  By clicking on “submit to PD” you are completing the final step of your contract and confirming that you completed all required hours.

For part-time faculty:  You will see the “submit to PD” button once you have completed and confirmed at least 1 hour of PD.  Click the “submit to PD” once you have confirmed the completion of all of your eligible hours as determined by your teaching load.  Your eligible hours are listed on your PD contract in eServices.Screen Shot 2015-02-11 at 8.53.29 AM

Although contracts are due at the end of the semester, if you have already completed your hours please go ahead and submit your contract to the PD Office, you do not have to wait until the end of the semester to submit your completed activities.

Do you have any questions?  If so, please email the PD Office at pdoffice@palomar.edu, or you can comment below.