PD Coordinator Duties and Responsibilities

Palomar College’s Professional Development Coordinator is responsible for the coordination of our campus Professional Development Plan, approved in 1988 by Palomar College’s Governing Board and the Chancellor’s Office of the California Community Colleges to complement the flexible academic calendar.

As outlined in the PFF Contract Article 10.6, the duties of the Professional Development Coordinator include, but are not limited to, the following:

    • Receiving, reviewing, and approving/disapproving submitted Professional Development Plans from faculty members with the assistance of any staff member in the Professional Development Office or the Professional Development Committee. Confirming the successful or unsuccessful completion of the individual Professional Development contracts.
    • Developing and approving professional development programs and workshops to meet identified needs, as required by Title 5 CCR §55730(b).
    • Providing resources for professional development activities.
    • Managing professional development resources (including purchasing equipment and supplies, maintaining accurate records, and submitting and maintaining balanced budgets).
    • Coordinating activities with campus and community groups, including the North County Higher Education Alliance and North County Professional Development Federation.
    • Ensuring compliance by faculty members and the District with all legal requirements for the professional development program, and especially including the relevant requirements of Title 5 CCR, §55720 et seq. and Ed. Code 87153.
    • Keeping the professional development programs and workshops dynamic and rigorous, which includes an annual needs survey and an annual evaluation of the effectiveness of the programs and workshops, as required by Title 5 CCR §55730(d).
    • Publishing occasional newsletters during the year announcing and highlighting professional development activities.
    • Presenting the District’s approach to professional development programs to the Governing Board of the District, at conferences, to other Community College Districts, and to the State Chancellor’s Office, while also gathering information and ideas from them.
    • Co-chairing and assisting in the coordination, planning, and implementation of all orientation days for faculty members.
    • Maintaining accurate records on the description, type and number of professional development activities scheduled and the number of District employees participating in these activities, as required by Title 5 CCR §55730(c).
    • Serving as Chair and holding regular meetings of the Professional Development Committee.
    • Providing needed documents to the State Chancellor’s Office as required by Title 5 CCR §55730(f).


Performance Evaluations of the Professional Development Coordinator are conducted annually by the Professional Development Advisory Board.