Professional Development (or Flex) Requirement/Eligibility
Note: Across the California Community College system, colleges use the terms Flex or Professional Development interchangeably. The term “flex” refers to the Title 5 name for the program, which is the “Flexible Calendar Program“. By participating in the flexible calendar program, a college is provided the opportunity to utilize a portion of the colleges academic calendar to focus on employee learning rather than student learning. Palomar college participates in the Flexible calendar program and commits to 7 days of Flex time for professional development.
If you are new to Professional Development, please follow these steps to learn more about the program and how to register and complete PD Hours:
- Faculty: Review Article 10 of the PFF contract
- Interactive Video Lesson: How to Navigate and Use the P3D Portal
- Video: Introduction to Professional Development at Palomar College
- Flyer: Welcome to our PalomarPowered Professional Development Program!
- Review the P3D Portal Guide to learn how to access the P3D Portal (a part of the CCC Vision Resource Center)
Full-Time Faculty Professional Development Requirement
How many PD hours are Full-Time Faculty required to complete?
Full-Time Faculty are required to complete 42 hours/year and must have all hours officially completed in the P3D Portal by 2 weeks before the end of the spring semester.
How do you know when your PD hours have been officially completed and counted in your total?
Check your Completed Hours Dashboard! Your Completed Hours Dashboard shows your total hours that have been counted as completed to reach your requirement. What you see on your Completed Hours Dashboard is exactly what is reported to the college. If you are missing hours on your Completed Hours Dashboard, please check these 2 things:
- 1.) REFRESH your Completed Hours graph. The graph does not automatically refresh.
- 2.) Make sure you don’t have any training that are “Pending Evaluation” or “Pending Signature”. If you have training that are in a pending status they won’t be included on your Completed Hours Dashboard
- After checking both 1 and 2 above, if there is still training missing on your Completed Hours Dashboard please email the PD Office and provide the name of the training that is missing, the PD Office will ensure the missing training is included.
When can Full-Time Faculty complete PD Hours?
- FT Faculty can complete PD hours year-round. The due date is 2 weeks before the last day of the spring semester. Hours completed after the due date are included in the follow year completed hours total. Example, hours completed in summer 2020 are included in the 2020-2021 total.
What about Service Points?
- Service points are no longer in the PFF Contract.
- FT Faculty are still required to completed 5 hours/week of Institutional Responsibility, which includes service to the college.
- PFF Fact of the Fortnight: Service Points and Institutional Responsibility (2/4/21)
Part-Time Faculty Professional Development Eligibility
How many hours are Part-Time Faculty eligible to be compensated for?
Part-Time Faculty are eligible to be compensated extra pay for officially completing PD hours by the due date. The amount of hours each part-time faculty member is eligible to be compensated for is based on their workload. To calculate eligible hours for PT Faculty multiply the percentage workload by 21 hours (21 hours represents what a FT Faculty would receive on 100% load per semester). Payment for PD hours is included in their final paycheck for the semester.
PD Eligibility Calculation: Workload x 21 = eligible hours
Example for a PT Faculty member with 60% load: .6 x 21 = 12.6 hours
Note: If you are unsure of your workload for a particular semester, please reach out to your Department ADA to confirm.
When are PD hours due for Part-Time Faculty?
Due Dates for Part-Time PD:
- In the Fall semester PD hours must be officially completed in the P3D Portal between August 1st and December 1st.
- In the Spring semester PD hours must be officially completed in the P3D Portal between January 1st and May 1st.
- NOTE: Completed hours are not accepted after the due date and must be reported in the Portal no later than these deadlines (Fall • December 1st / Spring • May 1st)
How do you know when your PD hours have been officially completed and counted in your total for reporting to payroll?
Check your Completed Hours Dashboard! Your Completed Hours Dashboard will show you exactly what is reported to payroll. Your Completed Hours Dashboard is your confirmation of PD/Flex completion (…and is accurate so long as hours were completed within the reporting period). What you see on your Completed Hours Dashboard is exactly what is reported to the college. If you are missing hours on your Completed Hours Dashboard, please check these 2 things:
- 1.) REFRESH your Completed Hours graph. The graph does not automatically refresh.
- 2.) Make sure you don’t have any trainings that are “Pending Evaluation” or “Pending Signature”. If you have trainings that are in a pending status they won’t be included on your Completed Hours Dashboard. Check your learning Transcript to see training that is Active and Completed.
- After checking both 1 and 2 above, if there is still training missing (i.e. training sessions found in the Portal that you attended) on your Completed Hours Dashboard please email the PD Office and provide the name of the training that is missing, the PD Office will ensure the missing training is included.
When are Part-Time Faculty paid for completed PD hours?
After the due date has passed (December 1st or May 1st), the PD Office sends the report of completed hours to Human Resources and Payroll to be processed and included in the final paycheck of the semester. Thus, PT Faculty are paid for completed PD hours in the Fall semester in their December paycheck and in the Spring in their May paycheck.
Can Part-Time Faculty roll over hours from Fall to Spring?
No. Only hours completed from August 1st- December 1st are included for your Fall total and only hours officially completed from January 1st to May 1st are included in your Spring total. These hours must be recorded in the Portal by December 1st for Fall and by May 1st for Spring.
Do Part-Time Faculty get PD Pay for Cancelled Classes?
The PFF Contract states that PT Faculty can be paid for PD hours completed prior to their class cancellation.
- The PD Office receives information about cancelled classes from the Instruction Office at the end of the semester, thus the PD Office is not able to verify if a part-time faculty member is eligible for payment due to a cancelled class until the end of the semester.
- Part-Time faculty should confirm eligibility for cancelled class pay and cancelled class PD pay with their ADA, who can confirm if the date of the cancelled class falls within the dates explained in the PFF Contract.
- After the PD due date, the PD Office is provided with a list of PT Faculty eligible for cancelled class PD pay and at that time runs a report to see what PD was completed by the faculty member prior to the date of cancellation. If PD hours are owed, they are included within the regular PD pay process after the PD due date.
Here’s the contract language regarding cancelled class PD pay:
10.1.3 Part-time faculty may complete professional development during the Fall and Spring semester based on instructional and non-instructional workload. Part-time faculty are compensated for professional development hours completed based on their percentage of workload. Part-time faculty who are eligible for cancelled class pay in accordance with Article 15 shall be eligible for PD Pay for any professional development activities logged and completed between the dates listed in and prior to their notification of the cancellation of reassignment of their class. A 100% load in a given semester is 21 hours of Professional Development. Example: Part-time faculty member teaching 67% load in the Fall semester would be eligible to be compensated for up to .67 x 21 = 14.07 hours. Due to payroll deadlines, PD for part-time faculty can be completed from August 1 – December 1 for the fall semester, and from January 1 – May 1 for the spring semester. Part-time faculty must report completed PD hours by December 1st for fall semester and May 1st for spring semester. Part-time faculty will be compensated for PD activities completed and reported by the due dates.
15.5.10 Canceled Class Pay for Part-Time Faculty. Per Ed Code 87482.8, part-time faculty members assigned to a class that is canceled or reassigned anytime from two weeks before until any time after the beginning of a semester will be compensated for the first week of assignment, paid at their instructional rate. If the class meets more than once per week, part-time faculty will be paid for all hours that were scheduled that week.
15.5.11 Professional Development Pay for Part-Time Faculty Part-time faculty members assigned to a class that is canceled anytime from two weeks before until anytime after the class begins meeting will be compensated for any Professional Development hours completed during the period prior to the class being canceled.