Classified Professional Growth Program

Program Overview

The Professional Growth Program is designed to provide incentive to permanent classified employees, to enhance and/or update their performance through continuing education and participation in professional organizations and Palomar College governance committees.

  • Employees must attend at least one Professional Growth Training Workshop before submitting a Professional Growth Plan for approval.
  • Professional Growth Plans must be job-related or part of a specific career plan.
  • Employees have three (3) years to complete a Professional Growth Plan.
  • Employees must earn twenty (20) points to complete a Professional Growth Plan; no more than ten (10) points can be earned in one semester.
  • Employees may earn points by taking courses that will improve their job performance and/or courses geared towards their educational goals. Every semester unit equals two (2) points. A minimum of twelve (12) points must be earned through classroom coursework.
  • Points may be earned for attending conferences, seminars, workshops, and/or governance committee membership.
  • Full-time employees may request release time to take up to four (4) hours of classes per week during work time. Permanent employees on less than 100% contract will be eligible for a corresponding percentage of release time. Probationary employees and permanent employees not enrolled in a Professional Growth Plan may still be eligible for release time at the request of their departments. The Assistant Superintendent/Vice President, Human Resource Services, must approve all such requests.
  • Upon completion of a Professional Growth Plan, employees may select one of the following options:
    • Classified Employees:
      • An annual stipend of $750 in pro-rate monthly payments of $62.50. There is no waiting period between programs when employees elect the $750 annual stipend.
      • A one-time lump sum stipend of $3,000. Employees who elect the one-time $3,000 lump sum stipend must wait two years before beginning another program.
    • CAST & Classified AA employees:
      • An annual stipend of $500 in pro-rated monthly payments of $41.67. There is no waiting period between programs when employees elect the $500 annual stipend.
      • A one-time lump sum stipend of $2,000. Employees who elect the one-time $2,000 lump sum stipend must wait three years before beginning another program.

Professional Growth Forms

  1. Declaration of Intent & Course Approval
    Submit to start a new program; attach one copy of transcripts from all colleges attended. Form must be completed and submitted for approval before points may be earned.
  2. Request for Addition of Courses
    Submit to make additions to an existing program. Form must be completed and submitted for approval before points may be earned.
  3. Classified Request For Release Time
    Submit this form to request up to four (4) hours per week of paid release time from normal work hours to attend classes.
  4. Request To Take a Class During Work Time (Non-Release Time)
    Submit to request make-up time to attend classes offered during normal work hours.
  5. AA & CAST Request for Release Time Submit to request up to four (4) hours per week of paid release time from normal work hours to attend classes.
  6. Request for other Professional Growth Activities
    Submit for approval prior to attending any professional association, committee, or workshop/seminar.
  7. CLS Notice of Completion or CAST & AA Notice of Completion
    Submit upon completion of program; transcripts showing course grades and appropriate backup paperwork pertaining to workshop, conference, committee, organization participation must be attached.

Professional Growth FAQs

Review the PG FAQs for more information.

Professional Growth Program Deadlines

New Professional Growth Plans as well as revisions to Plans that are in progress must be submitted to Human Resource Services for approval by the Professional Growth Committee.

  • Fall 2024 deadline – July 26, 2024
  • Spring 2025 deadline – November 22, 2024
  • Summer 2025 deadline – April 25, 2025

For complete information and guidelines about the Professional Growth Program, please review:

 Article 26 – Professional Growth in the current CCE/AFT contract.

Section 18 – Professional Growth in the current CAST Handbook.

Section 11 – Professional Growth (Classified Administrators ONLY) in the Administrative Associated Handbook.

For questions, please contact Maria Zapien Rangel at x2531