If you have a letter of recommendation to upload to your application, enter your own email address rather than your reference’s email. You will receive an email giving you instructions on how to upload the letter of recommendation. You may also upload your letter in any available link under the "Documents Needed to Apply" section of the application (i.e. link for supplemental materials).
No, we do not accept hard copies of letters of recommendation (or any other application materials). Interfolio or similar dossier companies have online application delivery. The company typically gives the customer a special email address to use for each of their letter writers. You will need to contact your dossier company to find out the exact details, such as how long this process will take and what the cost will be. We suggest contacting your dossier company 1-2 weeks in advance (before the position you are applying for closes).
Our online application system will accept reference letters up to one week after a faculty position's close date. For administrative positions, the letters of recommendation are due the same day the posting closes. You can log into your profile to check the status of your application, including who has completed your reference request at https://palomar.peopleadmin.com/login.
To upload multiple files into one document link, you will need to combine your documents into one PDF. For instructions on combining files into one PDF using Adobe Acrobat, click here.
Any applicant who needs to go through the equivalency process must complete and submit a new Application for Equivalency.
When you are in the “Check for Errors and Submit” section of the application, the system will mark what’s wrong in your application with a red X. Once you click on that section, you will be able to see exactly what’s wrong with your application (see below for an example). One of the most common errors are phone numbers in the wrong format. Phone numbers must be in the following format: xxx-xxx-xxxx (without the dashes).
Another common error is with the hours worked per week in the “Employment History” section. You must enter the number of hours without any decimals, dashes, slashes or spaces. In the example below, it appears that only “40” is entered, but there is actually a space afterwards, which is trigging the error message. If you are still getting this error and can’t figure out what’s wrong, you may want to delete the hours entered and reenter them to ensure there are only numerical values.
If you are still having problems, please contact our office at (760) 744-1150, ext. 3024 or via email (palomarjobs@palomar.edu) before the position's close date.
No, it's our hiring policy that departments are not to be contacted with application materials. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our office at (760) 744-1150, ext. 3024 or via email (palomarjobs@palomar.edu).
No, all application materials, including letters of recommendation, need to be submitted to HR via our online application system. If you have any questions or need any assistance, please contact our office at (760) 744-1150, ext. 3024 or via email (palomarjobs@palomar.edu).