Workers’ Compensation

Workers’ Compensation law provides employees with help if they are injured or become ill because of their job. This includes serious injuries as well as first aid only injuries*.

All work related injuries or illnesses must be reported to the supervisor and Human Resource Services. If you wait too long, you may lose your right to benefits.

 Work Injury/Illness Process – Notice To All Employees (Spanish)

  1. Life-threatening injury or illness → Call Campus Police at (760) 891-7273, (760) 744-1150 x2289, or Call 911
  2. Not Life-threatening injury or illness → Call Company Nurse Injury Hotline (24 hours) at 1-877-518-6702 and provide:
    A. Search Code QS394
    B. Palomar College Address: 1140 West Mission Road, San Marcos CA 92069
    C. Employee Name and injury informationYou will receive a confirmation number & either first aid instructions or referral to a medical facility. Contact this hotline again if symptoms persist or become worse.
  3. Contact your supervisor (vocational students contact your instructor) and report the incident promptly.  You will be asked to complete an Employee Claim form (DWC-1).

*An employee who seeks medical care through a non-authorized clinic or emergency provider may incur personal expenses for services rendered.

Contact information

Human Resource Services Contact:
Benefits Specialist
Ph: 760/744-1150 x2889 (or x2609)
Fax: 760/761-3530
Workers Compensation Claim Packet – Supervisor’s Report & DWC-1
W/C Information Guide