Required Employee Training

The following trainings are required for Palomar College employees.
Required trainings will be automatically assigned to you, you also may access these and other trainings by using the 3PD Portal found here: 3PD Portal

If you need assistance with the portal or how to enroll please the Professional Development (PD) department
Email: or call Phone: (760) 744-1150, ext. 2250

Training TitleEmployees Groups Required to CompleteDurationFrequencyRelevant Policies
Title IX: Roles and Responsible Employees (Non-Management)Full-time and Part-Time faculty 
Classified Staff 
Short-term Employees
Student Employees
27 minutesAnnuallya) Title IX – Education Amendments Act of 1972
b) Code of Federal Regulations at 34 CFR Part 106
c) Title IX Policies and Procedures
Title IX: Roles and Responsible Employees (Administrators and Supervisors)Administrators/Management
Coaches or other faculty if supervising students on field trips.
51 minutesAnnuallya) Title IX – Education Amendments Act of 1972
b) Code of Federal Regulations at 34 CFR Part 106
c) Title IX Policies and Procedures
Sexual Harassment Prevention
Full-time and Part-Time faculty 
Classified Staff 
Short-term Employees
Student Employees
60 minutesEvery two yearsa) S.B. 1343
b) Gov. Code 12950.1
c) Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures
Sexual Harassment Policy and Prevention for Administrators and Supervisors Administrators/Management
Coaches or other faculty if supervising students on field trips.
120 minutesEvery two yearsa) A.B. 1825
b) Gov. Code 12950.1 
c) Sexual Harassment Policies and Procedures
Cybersecurity TrainingAll Employees39 minutesAnnuallya) AP 3720 Computer and Network Use


Supervisors will be notified if there are employees who do not complete trainings on-time, if completion continues to be delinquent then the employee may be subject to discipline in accordance with the appropriate collective bargaining agreements or handbooks.

Release Time or Compensation for Required Training

Administrators: included in assigned duties (exempt).
Confidential and Supervisory Team: included in assigned duties (part of workday).
Classified Staff: 30 hours of PD release time (mandatory trainings are included).
Full-Time Faculty: 42 hours of PD is required by contract (mandatory trainings are included).
Part-Time Faculty: Part-time faculty have 6 additional paid hours of PD for mandatory trainings beyond the standard PD allowed per contract.
Students and Short-Term: Receive compensation at their hourly rate when completing mandatory trainings as part assigned work hours.