Leave Questions
As a public education employer we do not participate in California State Disability Insurance. Instead we have sick leave and extended illness leave available to our employees. The table below indicates what type of sick leave is available for each employee type.
Classified/Administrators/CAST/Full-Time Faculty: Employees have access to their accrued sick leave and if needed the extended illness leave which is 100 days of 1/2 pay leave that runs concurrently with sick leave. Each employee handbook gives more detail regarding sick leave accrual. If an illness or injury exceeds the 100 days the employee would work with Human Resources to evaluate the ability to return to work or apply for long-term disability insurance.
The information below is a summary of the District's negotiated provisions. For detailed information, please review the Agreement or Handbook for each employee group: Administrators, Classified Staff, Confidential and Supervisory Team (CAST), Full-time Faculty & Child Development Teachers.
Sick Leave - An employee is required to notify the supervisor, or designee, when unable to report to work due to illness. A Doctor's note is due to Human Resources when an employee is expected to be off work more than five (5) consecutive workdays. If the District has reasonable suspicion of illness or injury, a Doctor's note may be required as a proof for less than five (5) consecutive workdays. A Doctor's note from a follow-up exam releasing the employee to full-duties is required after being off work for the five (5)+ working days.
Pregnancy Leave - An employee needs to complete a Family Medical Leave form (see Forms on HR site) and submit to the Benefits Specialist (x2889) in Human Resources (ST-1) at least one month prior to the employee taking time off from work due to the pregnancy. FMLA and PDL (Pregnancy Disability Leave) will run concurrently for the first part of the pregnancy leave (in accordance to the State and Federal laws). CFRA (California Family Rights Act) can be used for baby bonding time off - typically used after the Doctor releases the employee from pregnancy care.
Family Care Leave - This leave is intended to comply with the Federal Family Medical Leave Act (FMLA), and the California Family Rights Act (CFRA). Thirty (30) calendar days (or 5 workdays from learning of the facts) prior to an employee learning that he/she needs time off from work due to a personal injury/illness or to care of an immediate family member, the employee needs to notify the District. An employee will be asked to complete a Family Medical Leave form or a Personal Leave form - see the HR website under Forms. A Certification of Health Care Provider Form and the Leave form needs to be submitted to the Benefits Specialist in Human Resources (ST-1).
All leaves have maximum time limits - please review the Agreement or Handbook for each employee group for details. Please contact the Benefits Specialist (x2889) at the Human Resources office with any questions.
Contact the Benefits Office at ext. 2889 OR ext. 3053.
Please see the following Memorandum of Understanding regarding Bereavement Leave.
Benefit Questions
Yes. Contact Joel Romero, CRC at 619.315.953 for assistance.
Refer to the HR website for more information on Part-Time Faculty benefits.
Contact your benefit provider first, a full list of contract information for your provider can be found HERE.
No, sorry. Parents are not an eligible relationship that is qualified for enrollment in our benefit plans.
Retirement Questions
All new retirees must wait 180 days before returning to work and they must follow the guidelines for returning to work under CalPERS or CalSTRS. For more information visit the following websites and check with your retirement plan prior to returning to work. CalPERS - Working after retirement or CalSTRS - Working after retirement