Exam Proctoring


The DRC Testing Center proctor exams for students with approved documented disabilities. Students approved for test accommodations by a DRC counselor and seeking to receive test accommodations must present (i.e. in person or e-mail) instructors with an official DRC Academic Accommodation Letter.  The Academic Accommodation Letter indicates the student’s approved/prescribed disability-related accommodations, including test accommodations such as extended time, a reader/scribe, etc.  Instructors are to digitally acknowledge their student(s) Academic Accommodation Letter(s) in MyDRC. Only confirm receipt of the Academic Accommodation Letter(s) once the student(s) email or deliver it to you. Acknowledge receipt of any e-mailed or hard copy DRC Authorized Academic Accommodation letters the student gives you. You are only responsible for implementing the accommodation once the student(s) have presented/emailed it to you. Questions regarding the approved test accommodations should be directed to the DRC counselor listed on the letter.  All approved accommodations for which the instructor disputes will be permitted during the DRC’s review of the instructor’s questions or concerns and determination of fundamental alteration.

Students must request an exam appointment at least five business days in advance via MyDRC or in-person. Two weeks’ notice is needed for final exams. Please be prepared to receive an email detailing the student’s request to take an exam at the DRC Testing Center. The email will direct you to the Testing Center’s booking system, MyDRC. Please know you can make changes/corrections to the request. It is the instructor’s responsibility to deliver exams to the DRC Testing Center within 24 hours of the scheduled exam. Please review our guide on how to submit exams.  Exam appointment requests must coincide with the same day and time that the class takes the exam unless prior arrangements have been made with the instructor. Please note that the DRC Testing Center must receive written or verbal permission to administer the exam outside the regular class time. If permission has not been received, the DRC Testing Center will make an attempt to receive this permission via email or phone.  

Exams can be delivered to the DRC Testing Center by the following methods:

  • Online: Exam Submission via MyDRC.
  • Drop off: by Instructor or department representative to DRC Testing Center located in NA-2.
  • Inter-Campus Mail
  • Email: drcproctor@palomar.edu If sent via email, the preferred method for receiving tests is uploading exams in Microsoft Word or PDF format.

Please complete an Exam Proctoring Form or blue envelope when submitting exams in person, mail, or email. Exam Proctoring Forms and blue envelopes can be found at the DRC Testing Center, our website, or with the Academic Department Assistant.

NOTE: To maintain the integrity of each exam, students are not permitted to deliver exams to the DRC.

Important information on DRC proctoring at Education Centers

Students seeking to have their exams proctored at Fallbrook, Escondido, or Rancho Bernardo Education Centers must follow the standard booking procedure. Exams will only be proctored at the location where the course is being held or at the DRC Testing Center at the main campus (San Marcos).  Instructors are asked to submit exams 24 hours in advance to the DRC Testing Center or the corresponding Campus’ TLC to ensure each exam is administered accurately with the proper accommodations.

Online Proctoring

The DRC Testing Center will continue to provide online proctoring services for students. Students seeking to have a DRC Testing Center proctor must follow the standard booking procedure. All online proctoring will be administered via Zoom.

Spring 2025 Faculty Test Accommodation Guidelines

DRC Testing Center
760-744-1150 ext. 3939

8:00 am to 5:00 pm
*After 5:00pm by appointment only

8:00 am to 2:00 pm*
*By appointment only