Exam Accommodations
Students with prescribed exam accommodations, as reflected on their Academic Accommodation Letter, may request the DRC Testing Center to proctor their exams. Students seeking services from the DRC Testing Center must request assistance five (5) business days in advance of their scheduled exams. Please take into consideration weekends and holidays when requesting assistance. You may refer to the current Academic Calendar for the most up-to-date schedule.
Academic Calendar 2024-2025
DRC Testing Center
The DRC Testing Center will provide exam accommodations either online or in-person BY APPOINTMENT ONLY. Students are required to contact the DRC Testing Center five (5) business days in advance of their scheduled exam. Please review the Student Test Accommodation Policies and Procedures Handbook for more detailed information.
Students can request an exam appointment by:
- Online: MyDRC
- Email: drcproctor@palomar.edu
- Phone: 760.744.1150, ext. 3939
Steps to ensure approved accommodations are ready for your exams:
Getting Started
- Exam accommodations must be approved by a DRC counselor based on documented disabilities with the DRC office.
- Students must request an Authorized Academic Accommodation Letter for each new course via MyDRC.
- Need help requesting a letter? Please see instructions on how to request accommodation letter(s).
- Authorized Academic Accommodation Letter(s) will be emailed to the student’s Palomar email after they have been approved by a DRC counselor.
- Revised Academic Accommodations Letter(s) (letter reflecting changes in accommodations after the semester starts) should be given to the instructor three (3) business days before the next scheduled exam.
- Students are to forward the Accommodation Letter to the course instructor. Accommodation(s) will take effect after the professor has been notified of the accommodation(s).
- Students are highly encouraged to ask their instructor to review and acknowledge the letter via MyDRC.
- Student are to review the Student Test Accommodation Policies and Procedures Handbook.
On Exam Day
- Students are encouraged to arrive to take their appointment five (5) to ten (10) minutes before the scheduled start time to allow ample time for check-in. All students will need to check in with the DRC Testing Center Assistant and provide a photo I.D. Students without a photo ID, will need to contact the DRC Testing Coordinator immediately to discuss alternate options.
- If the student arrives more than 15 minutes late, the Testing Center Coordinator will need to be contacted for approval. Should there be extenuating circumstances surrounding the late arrival, contact DRC’s Testing Coordinator immediately.
- Upon approval from the DRC Testing Coordinator, students may start their exam appointment up to 10 minutes before their scheduled appointment time unless otherwise noted by the instructor.
- Due to the limited space inside the DRC Testing Center lobby, only 2 students will be allowed at a time. Please wait outside the Testing Center until directed to enter the lobby.
- All personal belongings not approved for use during the test/exam including books, notes, backpacks, purses, calculators, food/drink, smart/electronic devices (ex: Apple Watch), etc. will need to be placed in the storage areas.
- All electronic/smart devices must be placed in the storage area, unless it is a medical device, and the DRC office has documentation the need for use.
- The DRC is not responsible for any damage or loss to students’ personal property.
- Cell phones need to be turned off. Cell phones must be given to the Testing Center staff upon check-in or placed with the student’s belongings in the designated lockers/spaces before entering the testing area.
- Only instructor-approved items (books, notes, etc.) may be taken into the testing area.
- Food and drinks are not allowed in the testing room, except for water bottles with a closeable lid. Students who require food during the exam are permitted to exit the testing room and consume their food in the lobby of the Testing Center.
- Talking, whispering, gum-chewing, pencil tapping, eating, excessive entering and exiting of the testing area etc., may be distracting to other students who are testing. Students exhibiting distracting behavior will be asked to cease the behavior by the proctor or Testing Coordinator. If the behavior continues, the student will be removed from the testing area and required to meet with the DRC Coordinator, counselor, or Director before being permitted to take tests/exams in DRC’s Testing Center.
- If a memory aide has been approved as an accommodation, please refer to our Guide for Implementation for Students and Instructors for more information.
- It is the student’s responsibility to bring all testing materials (i.e. scantrons, calculators, etc.)
- Any approved notes used during the test/exam will be photocopied and provided to the instructor after the exam is completed.
- The DRC will provide scratch paper, and this will need to be turned in with the test/exam.
- The DRC provides new earplugs to use for free.
Fall 2024 COVID-19 Resources & Updates
The health and safety of Palomar College students and employees remains a priority. The California Department of Public Health (CDPH) and the U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) continue to support COVID-19 vaccinations to prevent serious illness and death from COVID-19, as well as early treatment to reduce the severity of illness. Palomar College also encourages full COVID-19 vaccination for employees and students.
Feeling Sick
- It is important for employees and students who do not feel well to stay home and not come to work or class.
- Contact and communicate directly with their supervisor or professor and follow all absence and call-out procedures for any days missed from work/class.
- If the employee or student tests positive for COVID-19, complete the COVID-19 Questionnaire and next steps will be communicated.
General Guidance: If positive for COVID-19 and symptomatic, isolate until fever-free for 24 hours AND symptoms are mild. Return to work wearing a face mask for the full 10 days from onset of symptoms. Remember to complete the COVID-19 Questionnaire for specific next steps concerning your case.