NOTE: Students must meet with a counselor at least one time per year to stay current with the DRC. In order to request accommodations letters online via MyDRC, students must have met with a DRC Counselor within the last year.
MyDRC allows registered and active DRC students to:
- Request accommodation letters
- Print accommodation letters once they are authorized
- Request /view/download alternate media
Only for students approved for this accommodation
MyDRC allows instructors to:
- Acknowledge receipt of any e-mailed or hard copy DRC Authorized Academic Accommodation letters the student gives you.
- Go to MyDRC
- Click on MyDRC Instructor Log-in
- Click Accommodation Letters at the top of the MyDRC page. It will ask you to log-in using your Single Sign-On (SSO) log in credentials.
- You will see a list of all your DRC students that have requested accommodation letters. You may also view the accommodation letter for each student. By clicking “acknowledge” you have essentially signed the letter and that information will be recorded in the student’s file.
What if I go to MyDRC and see Accommodation Letters for students who have not presented me with a Letter?
- There are times a DRC student may request and be approved for accommodations (i.e. extended time for exams or note taking, etc.) yet they intentionally choose to not use these accommodations and thus do not provide their Accommodation Letter to the instructor. Some students’ disabilities have fluctuating symptoms and they may not be experiencing a flare up, or the way the exams are structured minimizes the impact of the disability causing them to not need the extended time. Or the student may simply be trying out a semester or a class without using their approved accommodations.
- If instructors see Accommodation Letters in MyDRC and the student(s) had not presented them with a Letter, instructors should not approach the students or extend exam/quiz time.
- The Accommodation Letter states at the top: “Student must present this letter to the instructor prior to the Accommodations taking effect.” Accommodations, such as extended quiz/exam time, should only be applied in Canvas or in the classroom, etc. IF the student presents the instructor with a DRC Authorized Academic Accommodation Letter (e-mail or in person).
- Instructors should ONLY adjust exam/quiz time in Canvas if/when the DRC student gives them the Accommodation letter (this may occur at ANY time in a given semester).
- If a student tells a professor they have been approved extended time for exams, the professor can check this by visiting MYDRC, however, legally, instructors can still request the student provides them with a copy of the Accommodation Letter.
To log-in to MyDRC you will need your Palomar student e-mail address and password. It is the same log-in information that you use to access Canvas.
If you have any questions or trouble accessing MyDRC please contact the DRC office at 760-744-1150, Ext. 2375