A Guide for Implementation for Professors and Students
We have learned that faculty and students would like more guidance regarding the accommodation “assignment extensions.” When this accommodation is approved, it will be listed on the DRC Authorized Academic Accommodation Letter the student provides to you; the approved extension (i.e. number of hours/days) will also be listed. In this guide, we outline the process and responsibilities for faculty, students, and the DRC as it related to this accommodation.
When are “assignment extensions” appropriate?
Generally, students are expected to follow established classroom attendance and deadline policies. However, some disabilities are episodic in nature or present other functional limitations, and as a result a student may have to miss a deadline. Faculty are not required to alter any essential functions of the course in the implementation of these accommodations and should contact the DRC to discuss any concerns with this approved accommodation.
Extended Assignment not related to this Accommodation
This accommodation does not apply to coursework extensions unrelated to a student’s disability (e.g., common illness, car trouble, etc.) Such extensions should be addressed according to the syllabus. The student is responsible for following the faculty’s syllabus regarding missed assignment deadlines that are related to any non-disability related matters.
What is the process?
- Step 1: The Disability Resource Center determines the accommodation(s).
- Step 2: Each semester, student must meet with DRC Counselor to request this accommodation.
- Step 3: Student provides the Accommodation Letter to the professor.
- Step 4: Student and faculty discuss the accommodation and its implementation.
- Step 5: Faculty contact the DRC if there are questions or concerns regarding the accommodation.
- Step 6: The accommodations are in place; student uses the accommodations as approved.
Student Responsibilities:
- Initiate conversation early with faculty. A conversation must occur between the student and professor; it is encouraged that the conversation occurs in a confidential setting such as during a professor’s office hours, a zoom meeting, email or phone call. If the professor does not respond to student within 3 business days or 72 hours, the student should contact the DRC right away.
- Topics the student should discuss with the instructor during this meeting include:
- Allowance for early access to discussion boards or completion of assignments early.
- How assignments will be submitted (e.g. e-mail, Canvas)
- The student is still required to complete all coursework. The student should complete and submit the assignments to the professor according to the approved deadline extension. When a student recognizes they will not be able to meet the extended deadline due to their disability, the student should notify their professor and the DRC as soon as they are able to do so.
- Extenuating Circumstances: There may be occasions where the assignment extension may need to exceed the specified parameters listed on the Accommodation Letter. If this need arises due to functional limitations posed by the disability, the student is responsible for contacting the DRC for a drop in or appointment to engage in an interactive discussion. Following the appointment/drop in, the DRC counselor will contact the instructor, cc the student, to verify/approve additional day(s) or to provide another outcome or next step.
- Topics the student should discuss with the instructor during this meeting include:
Professor Responsibilities:
- Be available to discuss the accommodation with the student in a confidential setting in person, via phone, or via zoom. Respond to the student within 3 business days or 72 hours for the initial meeting.
- Determine how essential the assignment deadline(s) is to the course. If it is believed that the deadline established in the course outline/syllabus is an essential requirement and can’t be modified, contact the DRC right away.
- Contact the DRC if support is needed with the implementation of this accommodation.
Disability Resource Center Responsibilities:
- Approve this accommodation only when appropriate.
- Identifies the number of business days for assignment extension. For example, 24 hours, 48 hours, 72 hours, one week (5 business days,) etc.
- Provide student guidelines and information about their rights and
- Aid faculty in determining how to implement this accommodation in the class, upon request.
- Provide support to student and faculty when questions or difficulties arise due to these accommodations, upon request.