Adaptive Equipment

Tape Recorders

Standard and four track tape recorders are available for student use and can be checked out at the front desk. Each recorder is well maintained and comes with a fresh set of batteries and a blank tape. See the Front Desk staff to check out a tape recorder.


The Alphasmart is a portable, lightweight keyboard with word processing features that runs off of batteries. It can hold approximately 100 pages of notes. Your notes can be easily transferred to a Microsoft Word file where you can save to disk, edit the file or print the notes. Contact Aaron Holmes or Sherry Goldsmith to check out an Alphasmart.

Assistive Listening Devices

Assistive Listening Devices are available for students with hearing or attention problems. The device consists of two components. One is the computer is the microphone that the instructor wears and the other is a set of headphones that the student wears. The system puts an instructor’s voice about 6 inches from the student’s ear. Even while an instructor has his/her back to the class, his/her voice can be heard. Contact Aaron Holmes to check out an Assistive Listening Device.

Acrobat portable Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)

A flexible 2-in-1 video magnifier is ideal for near and distant viewing. By rotating the camera, you can read, write, and magnify images at any distance. This allows magnification of lecture material, PowerPoint presentations and maps while in the classroom. See Sherry Goldsmith or Aaron Holmes for more information.


The CCTV is a machine that enlarges text for students with low vision. There are 4 Closed Circuit Televisions (CCTV) available on the main campus for student use.

2 Color CCTV are available in the Adapted Computer Training Center located on the first floor of the library in LL-101.
1 Color CCTV is located on the third floor of the library.
1 CCTV is located in the DRC office for test-taking purposes.

Location of computers with assistive technology

Access to computers equipped with assistive technology can be an important part of a successful educational experience for students with disabilities. DRC and Palomar College have taken steps to provide computer access for all students.

Three computer stations in the Academic Technology Lab (library, 1st floor) are equipped with Kurzweil 3000, JAWS for Windows and Zoomtext.

One computer is available on the second floor of the San Marcos Campus Library and is equipped with Kurzweil 3000, Jaws for Windows and Zoomtext.

The Escondido Campus Library is equipped with one computer with Kurzweil 3000, Jaws for Windows and Zoomtext.