Institutional Effectiveness at Palomar College

As part of its Strategic Planning process and cycles, Palomar College monitors and reviews a set of Institutional Effectiveness (IE) indicators. Organized by strategic goal (e.g., a Student Success, Teaching and Learning Excellence, Organizational and Professional Development), IR&P tracks the institutional effectiveness metrics over time and provides an annual report to SPC and the college's Board of Trustees. The institutional effectiveness reporting process helps SPC monitor and discuss the extent to which college efforts are affecting student success and improving organizational processes. The set of measures used in this reporting process incorporate the State's accountability indicators as well as other metrics determined by the SPC as important indicators of institutional effectiveness.

Strategic Planning Through Institutional Effectiveness

Three students sitting on campus outside
Students sitting at desks in a classroom
Two students with teacher

Vision for Success - Locally Aligned Goals

Original Baseline Goal % Increase 2018-19 2019-20 % Change
Goal1: Increase Completion
1a. Increase Degrees 1,484 1,806 22% 1,557 1,632 10.0%
1b. Increase Certificates 1,463 1,536 5% 1,565 1,595 9.0%
1c. Increase VfS Goal Completion 1,976 2,188 11% 2,072 2,117 7.1%
Goal 2. Transfer
2a. Increase ADT Completion 304 456 50% 599 704 131.6%
2b. Increase Transfers to UC/CSU 1,629 1,873 15% 1,696 NA** 4.1%
Goal 3. Decrease Units to Completion
3a. Average Units for Completers 88 82 -7% 81 80 9.1%
Source Goals 1-3: CCCCO Student Success Metrics
Goal 4: Workforce
4c. Employed in Field of Study 68% 72% 6% 70% N/A 2.9%


Institution-set Standards and Stretch Goals


Institution-set Standard Institution-set Standard Institution Stretch Goal Actual 2017-18 Actual 2018-19 Actual 2019-20
Course Success Rates 70% 71% 72% 71% 75%
Count of Certificates 1,700 2,300 2,418 2,345 2,463
Count of Degrees 1,600 2,000 2,107 2,333 2,470
Transfers 1,600 2,000 1,790 1,732 1,798
Licensure Pass Rates
Nursing (National) 85.0% 90.0% 95.5% 92.8% 90.3%
Registered Dental Assistant (State) 80.0% 90.0% 97.9% 100.0% 100.0%
EMT (National) 70.0% 80% 82.0% 77.0% 75%
Paramedic (National) 70.0% 100.0% 84.0% 89.0% 91%
Job Placement
Nursing 72.3% 80.0% 89.6% 98.1% 90.0%
Registered Dental Assistant 72.3% 80.0% 88.9% 96.2% 95.2%
EMT 72.3% 80.0% 100.0% 100.0% 84.0%
Paramedic 72.3% 100.0% 77.5% 83.3% 79.4%

Sources: MIS Submissions to CCCCO; California Board of Registered Nursing; Dental Board of California; California Emergency Medical Services Authority; Perkins V Core Indicator Report

Image Sources

  • students outside: Palomar Community College District
  • students in class: Palomar Community College District
  • students and evaluation: Palomar Community College District