Institutional Research, Planning, Effectiveness & Grants


The Office of Institutional Research and Planning (IR&P) is dedicated to providing our campus community with information and decision-making support to advance the College’s mission. IR&P pursues institutional effectiveness through research, integrated planning, accreditation, internal and external reporting, and grants.


In fulfilling its mission, the IR&P office is guided by a set of core values.

Continuous Improvement: IR&P strives to provide value to the college community through responsive, respectful, and supportive collaboration with others.

Culture of Data Use:  IR&P promotes the dissemination and use of data throughout the campus.  IR&P makes research and data tools accessible and salient, so that it may further discussions regarding learning, success, and other practices.

Integrity: Integrity drives all the work of IR&P, demanding quality and accountability.  The research office emphasizes accuracy, dependability, and timeliness.

Equity: IR&P is committed to equity and to providing research support necessary to ensure equity for Palomar students and staff.

Service Orientation: IR&P strives to provide value to the college community through responsive, respectful, and supportive collaboration with others.

IRP&G Office Products and Web Contents

  • DATA DASHBOARDS - Current and historical data on enrollment management, enrollment and FTES, student demographics, etc.
  • INSTITUTIONAL RESEARCH AND DATA - Enrollment numbers, student demographics and FTES  that can be filtered to your selection.
  • INTEGRATED PLANNING - Integration of long-, mid-, and short-range college planning for student access, retention, and success.
  • GRANT DEVELOPMENT AND APPROVAL - Declare intent to apply and/or request approval for institutional and department grant RFAs.
  • RESEARCH REQUESTS - Submit request for institutional data for student success initiatives, accreditation, program review, etc.
  • ACCREDITATION - Palomar is fully accredited by the Association of California Community and Junior Colleges (ACCJC).

Image Sources

  • 5-grads: Palomar Community College District