Introduction to Dashboards
Palomar Data dashboards will give you a customized snapshot of our campus current and historical analytical data. The button links below will provide access to data for Program Review, Student Enrollment Management Metrics, Outcomes (course or certificate completion), and Student Demographics.
Daily Enrollment / FTES Projections
Current enrollment and projected FTES for the semester compared to the same point in time of the previous like semester. View data and trend data by filters such as division, department, discipline, course, location, method of instruction, session.
Academic Year
Our Students
Information about our students such as age, gender, race/ethnicity, full-time or part-time status and counts of degrees and certificates over time.
PRP Data
PRP data needed to complete the 2020-2021 form can be accessed through the buttons below. Each button links to 2019-2020 data that can be filtered as appropriate.
Strategic Enrollment Management Metrics
Shows standard enrollment management metrics by division such as enrollments, fill rates, FTES, WSCH, FTEF, and efficiency ratios. Users can utilize various filters to examine the data. (Using Bower BI)
Image Sources
- 52311078550_68b5e6c5b0_qcrop2: Palomar College