Integrated Planning Models

Integrated Planning & Resource Allocation Decision-Making Model

The College’s Integrated Planning, Evaluation, and Resource Allocation Decision-Making Model (IPM), originally implemented in 2011  and revised in 2021, provides the structure and processes for Improvement through effective planning, evaluation, and resource allocation decisions. The IPM integrates short-range, mid-range and long-term planning to maximize resources to facilitate student access, retention, and success. The cycles of the Educational Master Plan, Facilities Plan, Staffing Plan, and Technology Plan are integrated and ensure on-going influence of the three-year planning cycle of the Strategic Plan and the Program Review and Planning process.

Integrated Planning Model DiagramResource Allocation Model

The Resource Allocation Model (RAM) at the core of the IPM guarantees that College planning priorities and budget assumption drive resource allocation decision-making. The RAM is the College’s on-going, transparent, and inclusive process to arrive at an annual balanced operating budget that links available resource allocation and budget requirements to planning and reviews.

Resource Allocation Diagram

Planning Cycles

Palomar College Master Planning, which included the Educational Master Plan and Facilities Master Plan, operates on a 12-year cycle, with a comprehensive updated and assessment in year six. Mid-range plans that support Master Planning, such as the Technology, Staffing, an Capital Plans operate on a 6-year cycle. Strategic Planning operates on a 3-year cycle and Program Review and Planning for Instructional programs and Non-instructional department occur in two year staggering cycles. To see each planning cycle, please click on the image at right.

Resource Allocation Planning Cycles Grid and Link

Annual PRP and Resource Allocation Timeline

AugustIRP prepares data, forms reviewed, webpages updated
SeptemberBudget reports run, training, units start review
OctoberUnits complete reviews, Deans & Director review
NovemberInstructional peer review, final edit, Facilities and Tech review
DecemberVPs Review
January1st level RA prioritization: Divisional list
February2nd level RA prioritization: Bring divisional lists into one single list
MarchFunding sources identified; Budget Committee; College Council
AprilResource requests processed and integrated into the budget
MayIntegrated Planning Report to College Council
JuneIntegrated Planning Report to Board

Image Sources

  • Integrated Planning Model_SPC (2) 2021_IPM: Palomar College
  • Pages from Integrated Planning Model_SPC (2)_2021-RA: Palomar College