Eligible Academic Majors for Financial Aid

To receive financial aid, you must declare an eligible program of study with Admissions.  You are currently in an ineligible program; a program that has been recently discontinued, or one that requires additional program acceptance criteria you may not have completed.

Click here to access information about major changes and catalog rights.

Use the Major Plan Change Request link located under your Academics menu on the left-hand side of your MyPalomar page to submit your major change.

If you need help selecting a major, we encourage you to meet with an academic counselor.

Academic Counseling Appointments

Eligible programs include:

  • Associates of Arts or Science (AA or AS);
  • Certificates of Achievement requiring at least one (1) year of instruction that have been approved by the Department of Education;
  • Transfer programs designated as AS.X, AA.U or an Associate degree in University Studies.
  • The full list of Financial Aid eligible majors can be found here.

Programs with special admissions requirements (only students accepted by the department are eligible for financial aid):

  • Dental Assisting
  • Nursing Education
  • Fire Academy
  • Basic Police Academy
  • Paramedic Training

The following majors/programs are not eligible for federal aid:

  • All goals of Undecided;
  • Certificate of Proficiency;
  • Certificates of Achievement in University Studies.


Last modified on December 4, 2024