Part-time Counselors

  • Checklist
  • Observations
  • Final Report
  • Dean Form
    • 17.3.7 The TERB Coordinator shall notify the Dean of the faculty scheduled to be evaluated and the assigned evaluator. Upon completion of the observation and form process or in cases of documented concerns or issues, the Dean may review the student evaluation, the faculty observation report, and the evaluation review report, and may enter appropriate supervisory comments/recommendations prior to the final evaluative grade and meeting the PT faculty member. If completed, the Dean supplemental evaluation form shall become part of the final evaluation report. In areas where there is no Dean overseeing the department or area, the relevant Director may serve in the Dean role for this purpose. In areas where there is a Dean and a Director, the Dean may delegate this task to the relevant Director.comments/recommendations prior to the final evaluative grade and meeting with the PT faculty member.
    • Optional Dean Form of the CBA: Optional Dean Form for Part-Time Evals. Deans will sign and write comments, as appropriate, and return this form with the evaluation packet to the evaluator.
  • Improvement Plan
    • Improvement Plan Form: Improvement Plan Template
    • 17.3.11 If a part-time faculty member who has preferential consideration (See Article 20) received an overall Needs Improvement on their final evaluation report, an Improvement Plan process may be implemented (see Article 17.9). A follow-up evaluation shall be completed as early as practicable, but within a year.
    • 17.9 Improvement Plans are intended to provide an opportunity for careful reflection and discussion as they encourage communication between the faculty member and the evaluator(s) in order to help the faculty member meet department standards and earn a satisfactory rating on their next evaluation report. The Improvement Plan shall clearly specify areas to improve and remedies to rectify issues described in the final evaluation report. Improvement Plans shall reflect careful consideration of the areas requiring adjustment and improvement.