Peer Evaluation Report Submission

Use this form to submit the required Peer Evaluation documentation.

TERB will route the report for signatures. After the committee chair, committee member, Dean, and VPI have signed, then meet with the Evaluee. Meeting with the Evaluee is a required and important part of the evaluation process. Please

Required Peer Evaluation Documents

  • One completed observation form (additional observations are required for Improvement Plans)
  • Evaluees PD Transcript
  • Evaluees Self Evaluation
  • A completed evaluation report (double check that all ratings are noted and objective comments are included. If direct student comments are included you cannot meet with the evaluee until after grades are posted, if you paraphrase/summarize student comments then you can meet with evaluee before grades are posted)
  • If required, Draft Improvement Plan
    • If the overall rating for Peer is”Performance needs improvement” or “Unsatisfactory performance”,  then you are required to submit a DRAFT Improvement Plan (IP) along with the final evaluation report. After the evaluee has reviewed the final evaluation report, the DRAFT IP should be used to develop the final IP in a collaborative way between the PRC, the E Evaluee, and the TERB Coordinator. Peer IP’s are also reviewed/approved by the TERB Committee. Please contact the TERB Coordinator if an IP is required.

Evaluation Documents Structure

For all documents, PDF’s are appreciated.

Please use the following naming practices for the documents:

  • Evaluee last name, first name_document name_semesteryear
    • example:
      • “Falcone, Kelly_Peer Eval Report_F22″
      • “Falcone, Kelly_Observation by CRose_F22”
      • “Falcone, Kelly_PD Transcript_SPR22”
      • “Falcone, Kelly_Self Eval_SPR22”
    • Please do not include your name, as the evaluator, in any of the file names, it is unnecessary and is removed from the filename in the TERB files. You may use your name, as the Observer, for Course Observations.

Submit Evaluation Documents

You must be signed in to your Microsoft 365 account to submit the evaluation documents using the following form:

SUBMIT: TERB Evaluation Reports and Materials