Online Course Observation Procedure


Determine how to conduct the evaluation

Online Observations can be conducted in two ways:

  1. Observer participates in the Online course for a 2 week observation period
  2. The Evaluee and Observer meet to review the course together.

In either case, the evaluator will review the course syllabus and will also need the Course Outline of Record for the class.

Prior to the online course evaluation, the evaluee may send a list of some course features that the evaluee would like the evaluator to assess during the online observation. Examples might include:  Are the deadlines and student responsibilities clearly stated? Do the instructions for projects and assignments foster collaboration and discussion?

Steps to Observe

Note: If the Evaluee deems it appropriate, they may give notice to online students that another faculty member will view the discussion board and/or online class participation, however they are not required.

Option 1: Observe online course for 2 weeks

  1. The Evaluee and the Observer set a 2-week observation period
    1. The Evaluee grants the observer access to the Canvas shell and then revokes that access after the 2 week observation period is over.
  2. To grant access, the evaluee goes to the “People” tab in their Canvas course and selects the option to add people “+People”
  3. Enter in the observers full Palomar email address
  4. For Role select “Observer”

More detailed instructions can be found at the How to Add and Observer to a Canvas Course webpage

Option 2: Meet and review the course together

  • The Evaluee and Observer schedule a mutually agreed time to review the course together.
  • The Evaluee guides the Observer through the online course.
  • The Observer will ask questions relevant to the observation to ensure they are acquiring the information necessary to complete the evaluation (any recordings available on the online course can/should be viewed).

Focus of Observation includes:

Online course observers are encouraged to use the CVC Online Course Design Rubric to assist in reviewing online courses and using the information to thoughtfully respond to the observation questions.

Reviewing for Quality Course Design

The CVC Course Design Rubric is the rubric approved by the Faculty Senate and TERB to provide guidance on how to design an effective online course.

The CVC Course Design Rubric has four sections:

  1. Content Presentation
  2. Interaction
  3. Assessment
  4. Accessibility

Utilize the CVC Course Design Rubric to help guide you through your peer online course review.  You are not expected to complete or submit sections A-D of the rubric; it is meant only as guidance. The sections of the rubric that align to each evaluation question are included. For additional instructions on how to utilize the CVC Rubric, please review the @ONE Course Design Resources.

Observation Questions

Answer each of the following questions regarding the online class observation. FIND ONLINE COURSE EVALUATION FORM HERE.

  1. In what ways has the instructor prepared students for this online course and ensured that students have information about Palomar services?
  2. Describe how the instructor has organized the course, giving particular attention to the information provided in the course syllabus and to statements about course objectives. Regarding technical skills, in what ways has the instructor developed an online course that is easy to navigate and use?
  3. Describe the clarity of course content. In what ways is the content challenging or thought-provoking? Is content consistent with the Course Outline of Record? How does the instructor demonstrate knowledge and currency in his/her discipline? (You will find the Course Outline of Record on the Curriculum website).
  4. Describe the ways in which the instructor communicates with students, motivates them, encourages discussion, and promotes student interactions with each other.
  5. Describe the clarity of the instructor’s course expectations, grading policy, method of assessments and feedback.
  6. What is noteworthy about this class and why? Other comments?

After the Observation

The observer will meet with the Evaluee soon after the observation to note positive observations and constructive criticism based on the observation. It is important that Obsevrers don’t leave an evaluee hanging with anxiety by not sharing some thoughts from the observation in a reasonable timeframe following the observation.