Promise Success Agreement

The Palomar Promise Program is a two year comprehensive support program focused on providing incoming first-time college students for the fall semester with the resources and support needed to transition successfully to college.

As a Palomar Promise student, you will benefit from the following services:

  •  Up to two years of free tuition
  • Textbook assistance
  • Priority enrollment for the first year
  • Specialized academic and career planning with related support services
  • Priority access to counseling appointments, academic enrichment, career and social activities
  • Registration and financial aid application assistance

To remain part of the Palomar Promise program, I commit to the following:

  • Check my Palomar College email regularly for updates, information, and communication.
  • Complete my financial aid process by submitting all requested documents on my “To Do List” located in my MyPalomar
  • Attend Skillshops and/or approved campus engagement activities each semester.
  • Meet with a counselor to develop an abbreviated Student Educational Plan (SEP) by the end of my first semester and a comprehensive SEP by the end of my second semester. This can be completed at the TLC, General Counseling, EOP&S, DRC, TRIO, STEM and Veterans Services.
  • I agree to follow my SEP and to meet with a counselor to discuss any changes to my academic goal or course load which may include changing major, adding/dropping classes, and/or transferring to another school.
  • Make my education a priority by regularly attending all my classes and successfully completing the entire academic school year (Fall and Spring).
  • Provide 24-hour notice if I need to cancel or reschedule a counseling appointment.
  • Update any changes in my contact information (email, phone, and mailing address) in MyPalomar account.
  • Understand that the Promise program will monitor my progress by contacting my instructors while I participate in the program. I understand I may be referred to the appropriate academic and student support services based on input from my instructors.
  • Authorize the Promise program to obtain and/or exchange any records or data from the Admissions and Records Office, Financial Aid Office, any student academic support program (TRIO, DRC, EOP&S), and from my high school district.
  • Abide by the Palomar College Student Code of Conduct.

Student Academic Progress

I understand that to be eligible to participate in Promise, I need to be a California resident (or part of an eligible exempt group), a first-time college student, enroll in 12 or more units (or units approved by DRC) for fall, and must have an official financial aid application on file with the college by including the Palomar College School Code: 001260 on your FAFSA or California Dream Act application each year.

In order to remain in good standing with Palomar Promise, I take responsibility for:

  •  Completing the Palomar Promise program requirements outlined in the Promise Success Agreement
  • Maintaining full-time enrollment (12 or more units) per semester, based on my Student Educational Plan (SEP). I will consult with a counselor before making any changes to my educational plan, to ensure my continued academic success.
      • Students who have a disability which interferes with taking a full course load may be eligible for accommodations, including a waiver of the 12 unit requirement, through the Disability Resource Center (DRC).
  • Maintaining a minimum 2.0 GPA while attending Palomar. If necessary, I agree to participate in academic intervention activities to regain my good standing.
  • Completing my financial aid process by submitting all requested documents on my “To Do List” located in my MyPalomar


I understand if I do not meet the above requirements, my Promise status may be affected or I may be disqualified from the program.

I understand that by submitting my online Promise application in eServices, I have agreed to the terms above.