A manual for writers of term papers, theses, and dissertations / Kate L. Turabian LB2369 .T8 2013, San Marcos and Escondido, REFERENCE and CIRCULATING
Bluebook: a uniform system of citation / Harvard Law Review Association KF245 .B853 2005, San Marcos, REFERENCE
The Chicago manual of style / University of Chicago Press LB2369 .U69 2010, San Marcos and Escondido, REFERENCE; San Marcos, CIRCULATING
The criminal justice student writer’s manual / William A. Johnson, Jr. HV 9950 .C74323 1999, San Marcos, CIRCULATING
- Scientific style and format: CSE Manual for authors, editors, and publishers Council of Science Editors, T11 .S386 2014, San Marcos, REFERENCE
The elements of style / William Strunk, Jr. and E.B. White PE1408 .S772 1979, San Marcos and Escondido, CIRCULATING
Rules of thumb: a guide for writers / Jay Silverman, Elaine Hughes, and Diana Roberts Wienbroer PE1408 .S4878 2013, San Marcos, REFERENCE and CIRCULATING
Chicago-Style Citation Quick Guide (The Chicago Manual of Style Online)
Chicago Style (16th ed. Palomar College; PDF file – requires Adobe Reader)
Citing Government Information Sources using MLA Style (Univ. Nevada-Reno)
Duke University Citing Sources (MLA, APA, Chicago, Turabian, CBE)
Introduction to Basic Legal Citation (Cornell)
Owl at Purdue (online writing lab and citation help)
Scientific Style and Format: CSE Manual for Authors, Editors, and Publishers (Council of Science Editors)
The Writing Center (University of Wisconsin-Madison)