Quick Answers for Students

The materials on this page are provided to give you quick answers to your questions.  For more support, please connect with a Librarian.

Show Me How Videos


How Can I Find Databases and Articles? Video

How Can I Find eBooks and Streaming Videos? Video

How Can I Find Free Articles Beyond the Library? Video

Generating Useful Keywords for Your Database Searches Video

Searching Databases with Keywords Video 

Citation Videos 

MLA 9th Citation Style Video (Prepare to log in with your Palomar ID number and your eServices password to access this video.)

APA 7th Citation Style Video 

Getting Support

How Can I Get Help From a Librarian Anytime? Video

Text-based Guides


How Do I Find Databases and Articles? Guide

How Do I Find eBooks and Streaming Videos? Guide

How Can I Find Free Articles Beyond the Library? Guide 

How Do I Find Articles with Google Scholar Guide

Citation Resources 

MLA 9th Citation Style 

APA 7th Citation Style

Annotated Bibliographies 

Getting Support

How Can I Get Help from a Librarian Anytime? Guide

Frequently Asked Questions

Check this list  of Frequently Asked Questions  if you would like to see if we already answered your question.