LIT Program Description

The Program 

Libraries and learning resource centers are critical components of the information age.  Special training is needed in order to organize and retrieve information.  Out of this need has come the occupational area of the library/media technician.

Palomar College’s Library and Information Technology Program (LIT) provides training in skills, attitudes, and knowledge leading to a Library Technical Assistant Certificate which can be applied in many occupational areas.  In order to earn a certificate, students must achieve a minimum grade of “C” in each of the program courses.  A certificate of achievement will be awarded to the student upon successful completion of the program.  For more information about our graduation rates, the median debt of students who completed the program, and other important information, please: Click here for Certificate Disclosure information.

Additional information is available at the Palomar Pathway Mapper

Courses Required for a Certificate of Achievement or an A.S. Degree Major
(click on links for sample course syllabi).

Required Courses

Course (Usually) Offered Description Units


Fall Intro. to Libraries & Information Services 3
LT 105 Summer* Research Skills & Informed Learning 3

LT 110

Spring Library Operational Skills/Technical Services 3

LT 115

Fall Library Operational Skills/Public Services 3
LT 120 Fall Information Sources & Services/Reference 3

LT 130

Spring Library Media & Technology 3

LT 140

Spring Library Services for Children and Young Adults 3

CSIT 105

Contact CSIT Department

Computer Concepts and Applications OR Computer Applications

Total Units: 24

*LT105 is offered as an 8 week course  

Aptitudes Needed: 
No special entrance tests are required.  Persons interested in the program should enjoy learning and providing service to users of information.


Access Services:
Explain and evaluate the procedures that ensure library users have access to library materials.
Clearly communicate to library users the rights and responsibilities they have when accessing library materials.

Acquisitions and Cataloging:
Perform acquisition functions including ordering, subscribing, invoicing and receiving.
Create a catalog record for different types of materials.

Describe the mission and roles of a library in its community, and communicate the importance of libraries in general.

Reference and Information:
Communicate with library users to learn what information they need.
Identify and evaluate sources of information in order to provide library users with the appropriate information at the right time.

Identify, evaluate and employ library technologies to inform, educate and serve library users.