Request for Reconsideration of Library and LRC Material

The Library Bill of Rights applies without exception to all purchases of library materials. The test of an item will be its contribution, direct and indirect, to the programs of the college, to the needs of the students, and to the obligation of the college to be a forum for the free exchange of all ideas in the pursuit of truth and knowledge.

Library Faculty will discuss the addition of materials which have been excluded or withdrawal of materials which have been included on the basis of the principles stated in the Palomar College General Resource Materials Selection Policy.


Request for reconsideration must be presented to the Library Department Chair in writing on the Reconsideration Form. The request must include specific information as to author, title, publisher/producer, and page number/section of each item to which objection is being made. The request must be signed and identification given which will allow a proper reply to be made.

Persons wishing to request reconsideration of any materials on display in a Library exhibit should use the Exhibit Reconsideration Form.

Evaluation Committee

Should the request for reconsideration not be settled satisfactorily through discussions between the Library Chair and the requestor, the written specific objections shall be submitted to an evaluation committee consisting of the President, the Assistant Superintendent/Vice President for Instruction, the Dean of Languages and Literature the President of the Faculty, and the President of the Faculty Senate for re-evaluation. The decision of the Committee shall be subject to the approval of the Governing Board whose decision shall be final. A written copy of the Board’s decision will be sent to the user initiating the request.

Adopted: April 1977

Updated: May 2004